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Display number of members beside corresponding country flags


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Please be kind as I am simply modifying an existing script to suit my needs and I am still just learning PHP.


I have this code

   foreach( $sorters as $sortvalue )
      if( $sortvalue == '' )
         echo '<li> <a href="' . $list_url . $connector . $sortfield .
            '=none">None given</a> </li>';
         echo '<li> <a href="' . $list_url . $connector . $sortfield .
            '=' . $sortvalue . '">' . $sortvalue . '</a> </li>';
   echo '</ul>';

which lists the names of the countries that members live in. I have modified this to show the country's flag instead of the name.

foreach( $sorters as $sortvalue )

      if( $sortvalue == '' )
         echo '<li> <a href="' . $list_url . $connector . $sortfield .
            '=none">None given</a> </li>';
 		 echo '<a href="' . $list_url . $connector . $sortfield .
            '=' . $sortvalue . '"><img src="' . $flags . str_replace(' ', '_', $sortvalue) . '.gif" title="' . $sortvalue . '" alt="' . $sortvalue . '"></a><br>';

This works very nicely, but I also wanted to display the number of members for each country, so I further modified the code and got this

foreach( $sorters as $sortvalue )

$dbh = new PDO("mysql:host=$hostname;dbname=$db", $username, $password);
            foreach($dbh->query('SELECT country, COUNT(*) FROM $table GROUP BY country') as $row) {

      if( $sortvalue == '' )
         echo '<li> <a href="' . $list_url . $connector . $sortfield .
            '=none">None given</a> </li>';

			if ($row['COUNT(*)'] != "1")
         echo '<a href="' . $list_url . $connector . $sortfield .
            '=' . $sortvalue . '"><img src="' . $flags . str_replace(' ', '_', $sortvalue) . '.gif" title="' . $sortvalue . '" alt="' . $sortvalue . '"></a> ' . $row['COUNT(*)'] . ' fans<br>';
 		 echo '<a href="' . $list_url . $connector . $sortfield .
            '=' . $sortvalue . '"><img src="' . $flags . str_replace(' ', '_', $sortvalue) . '.gif" title="' . $sortvalue . '" alt="' . $sortvalue . '"></a> ' . $row['COUNT(*)'] . ' fan<br>';

The section that is currently commented out will give the correct number, but makes all the flags the same. Or with it commented out, the flags are correct, but (obviously) no values. I can't seem to trial & error my way through getting both working.


Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong please?

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Not exactly sure how to do that, though I do understand what you mean.

Even though the query works, it seems very crude next to the existing code, is there anyway of using what's already there to add what I need?


Here's the full page

require 'config.php';

require_once( 'mod_errorlogs.php' );
require_once( 'mod_owned.php' );
require_once( 'mod_members.php' );
require_once( 'mod_settings.php' );

// function to clean data
if( !function_exists( 'clean' ) ) {
   function clean( $data ) {
      $data = trim( htmlentities( strip_tags( $data ), ENT_QUOTES ) );

      if( get_magic_quotes_gpc() )
         $data = stripslashes( $data );

      $data = addslashes( $data );

      return $data;

// get listing info and member type
$info = get_listing_info( $listing );
$member_type = ( $info['listingtype'] == 'fanlisting' ) ? 'fans' : 'members';

// explode the fields for sorting and make sure there are no whitespace
$sortarray = explode( ',', $info['sort'] );
foreach( $sortarray as $i => $s ) $sortarray[$i] = trim( $s );

// what sorting fields have been selected already by the visitor?
// obtain from $_GET array
$set = 0;
$selected = array(); // what have we selected?
$sortfield = $sortarray[$set]; // what field are we currently sorting?
while( isset( $sortarray[$set] ) && isset( $_GET[$sortarray[$set]] ) ) {
   // while the user has selected a value to sort with
   $selected[$sortarray[$set]] = $_GET[$sortarray[$set]];
   if( $selected[$sortarray[$set]] == 'all' )
      $selected[$sortarray[$set]] = '%';
   if( isset( $sortarray[$set] ) )
      $sortfield = $sortarray[$set];
$sorters = get_member_sorter( $listing, $set, $selected );

// are we still going to show the sorting?
if( count( $sortarray ) == $set ) // this is the last?

// create list URL
$list_url = $info['listpage'];
$connector = '?';
if( substr_count( $list_url, '?' ) > 0 )
   if( $info['dropdown'] == 1 )
      $connector = '&';
      $connector = '&';

// get anything that's already in $selected and put it in the URL
$in_url = array();
foreach( $selected as $field => $value ) {
   $field = clean( $field );
   $value = clean( $value );
   if( in_array( $field, $in_url ) )
   $list_url .= "$connector$field=$value";
   if( $info['dropdown'] == 1 )
      $connector = '&';
      $connector = '&';
   $in_url[] = $field;

// if owner selected the dropdown method
if( $info['dropdown'] == 1 ) {
   <script type="text/javascript">
   function change( form ) {
      var dropDown = form.elements[0];
      var myIndex = dropDown.selectedIndex;
      if( dropDown.options[myIndex].value != "0" ) {
         window.open( "<?php echo $list_url . $connector . $sortfield ?>=" +
            dropDown.options[myIndex].value, target = "_self" );
   // end -->

   <form method="get" action="<?php echo $list_url ?>" class="show_sort_form">
   <select name="<?php echo $sortfield ?>" onchange="change( this.form );">
   <option value="0"> Select sort option</option>
   <option value="all"> All <?php echo $member_type ?></option>
   foreach( $sorters as $sort )
      if( $sort == '' )
         echo '<option value="none"> None given </option>';
         echo '<option value="' . $sort . '"> ' . $sort . '</option>';

} else { ?>

<p class="show_members_showing_what">from <?=count($sorters) ?> Countries</p>

<p class="center"><a href="">Sorted by Country</a> | <a href="<?=$siteurl?>/sort.php?country=all">Full List</a></p>

<div class="flaglist">

foreach( $sorters as $sortvalue )

$dbh = new PDO("mysql:host=$hostname;dbname=$db", $username, $password);
            foreach($dbh->query('SELECT country, COUNT(*) FROM $table GROUP BY country') as $row) {

      if( $sortvalue == '' )
         echo '<li> <a href="' . $list_url . $connector . $sortfield .
            '=none">None given</a> </li>';

			if ($row['COUNT(*)'] != "1")
         echo '<a href="' . $list_url . $connector . $sortfield .
            '=' . $sortvalue . '"><img src="' . $flags . str_replace(' ', '_', $sortvalue) . '.gif" title="' . $sortvalue . '" alt="' . $sortvalue . '"></a> ' . $row['COUNT(*)'] . ' fans<br>';
 		 echo '<a href="' . $list_url . $connector . $sortfield .
            '=' . $sortvalue . '"><img src="' . $flags . str_replace(' ', '_', $sortvalue) . '.gif" title="' . $sortvalue . '" alt="' . $sortvalue . '"></a> ' . $row['COUNT(*)'] . ' fan<br>';


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