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How can I redirect to index page removing all url parameters using apache rewriterule if file not found?


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I tried this in .htaccess:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule "^(.+)" "/"

It works when the url looks like "http://localhost/project/xyz" , it redirects to "http://localhost/project/". But the url can be "http://localhost/project/xyz?id=5&t=abc", then it redirects to index page but the parameter is still there in url "http://localhost/project/?id=5&t=abc" , how can I remove all those parameters after redirecting to index page?


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Modifying the Query String


By default, the query string is passed through unchanged. You can, however, create URLs in the substitution string containing a query string part. Simply use a question mark inside the substitution string to indicate that the following text should be re-injected into the query string. When you want to erase an existing query string, end the substitution string with just a question mark. To combine new and old query strings, use the [QSA] flag.

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Silently redirecting the user when the URL is erroneous is usually a very bad idea and can cause a lot of confusion. Errors should in fact be reported with a proper status code, so that the user can fix them or at least knows that there's a problem. There's a reason why the 404 code exists.

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