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add a update statment MS SQL in php


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Hello I need to update the tranmit field in table SalesOrders where orders are in my $sql2 query results field $orderid. I am just not sure how/where to do that.




$connect = odbc_connect("removed");
if (!$connect) {
    exit("Connection Failed: " . $connect);
$gr_total = 0;
$gr_count = 0;
$sql      = "

SELECT distinct '1234' AS CIT
		,'A' as record_type
	,ltrim(rtrim(SO.ompCustomerOrganizationID))as customer
	--,ltrim(rtrim(so.ompShipLocationID)) as location
	,ltrim(rtrim(left(cmoName,30))) as name
	,left(ltrim(rtrim(cmoAddressLine2)),30) as address1
	,ltrim(rtrim(cmoCity)) as city
	,ltrim(rtrim(cmoState)) as state
    ,ltrim(rtrim(cmoPostCode)) as postal
	, ltrim(rtrim(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cmoPhoneNumber, '(', ''), ')', ''), '-', ''))) as phone
FROM m1_kf.dbo.SalesOrders SO
LEFT JOIN m1_kf.dbo.Organizations ON cmoOrganizationID = SO.ompCustomerOrganizationID
WHERE SO.ompOrderDate >= '05-18-2017' 
AND ompPaymentTermID in ('CN30','CTN30')

$sql2   = "

 '1234' as clid
 ,'  ' as trade 
 ,'R' as record_ty
 ,ltrim(rtrim(ompCustomerOrganizationID)) as cust
 ,ltrim(rtrim(ompSalesOrderID)) as orderid
 , right('00000000'+cast(cast(round(ompOrderTotalBase,0)as int) as varchar(), as num
 ,REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), ompRequestedShipDate, 1), '/', '') as reqship
 ,'030' as terms
 ,REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), ompRequestedShipDate, 1), '/', '') as ship
 from m1_kf.dbo.SalesOrders where ompOrderDate >= '05-18-2017' and ompOrderTotalBase >1
 AND ompPaymentTermID in ('CN30','CTN30')
$result = odbc_exec($connect, $sql);
if (!$result) {
    exit("Error in SQL");
$mycount    = 0;
$tradestyle = ' ';
$address2=' ';
$my_file    = date('m-d-Y_hia') . '.CO';
$handle = fopen($my_file, 'w+') or die('Cannot open file:  ' . $my_file);
while ($row = odbc_fetch_array($result)) {
    $record_type = $row['record_type'];
    $cit_cust_id = $row['CIT'];
    $cust_num    = $row['customer'];
    $name        = $row['name'];
    $address     = $row['address1'];
    $city        = $row['city'];
    $state       = $row['state'];
    $postal      = $row['postal'];
    $phone       = $row['phone'];
     fprintf($handle, "%-4s%-2s%-1s%-15s%-30s%-30s%-30s%-17s%-2s%-9s%-10s", $cit_cust_id, $tradestyle, $record_type, $cust_num, $name, $address,$address2, $city, $state, $postal, $phone . "\n");
    $mycount = $mycount + 1;

$results = odbc_exec($connect, $sql2);
if (!$results) {
    exit("Error in SQL");
$mycount2 = 0;
$space1 =' ';
$space6   = ' ';
$space12  = ' ';
$today    = date("mdy");
while ($row = odbc_fetch_array($results)) {
    $client     = $row['clid'];
    $trade      = $row['trade'];
    $record_ty  = $row['record_ty'];
    $cust       = $row['cust'];
    $orderid    = $row['orderid'];
    $num        = $row['num'];
    $reqship    = $row['reqship'];
    $terms      = $row['terms'];
    $ship       = $row['ship'];
    $mycount2   = $mycount2 + 1;
    $gr_total   = $gr_total + $row['num'];
    $tradestyle = '99';
    $custnum    = '999999999999999';
    $record     = 'S';
    $recordtype = '999999T999999999999999';
 fprintf($handle, "%-4s%-1s%-1s%-15s%-22s%-8s%-1s%-6s%-3s%-6s", $client, $trade,$record_ty , $cust, $orderid, $num,$space1, $reqship, $terms, $ship . "\n");
 fprintf($handle, "%-4s%-2s%-1s%-15s%06d%06d%-6s%012d", $client, $tradestyle, $record, $custnum, $mycount, $mycount2, $space6, $gr_total);
 fprintf($handle, "\n");
 fprintf($handle, "%-22s%06d%06d%-6s%012d%-12s%-6s", $recordtype, $mycount, $mycount2, $space6, $gr_total, $space12, $today);


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'1234' as clid
,' ' as trade
,'R' as record_ty
,ltrim(rtrim(ompCustomerOrganizationID)) as cust
,ltrim(rtrim(ompSalesOrderID)) as orderid
, right('00000000'+cast(cast(round(ompOrderTotalBase,0)as int) as varchar(8)),8) as num
,REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), ompRequestedShipDate, 1), '/', '') as reqship
,'030' as terms
,REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), ompRequestedShipDate, 1), '/', '') as ship

from m1_kf.dbo.SalesOrders where ompOrderDate >= '05-18-2017' and ompOrderTotalBase >1
AND ompPaymentTermID in ('CN30','CTN30')
That query is going to get all the rows you want to update, right? It chooses which records to return according to the WHERE conditions, right? So make an UPDATE query that has the same conditions to update the same records.
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 do I put that at the end of the while statement and how do I call it?



while ($row = odbc_fetch_array($results)) {
    $client     = $row['clid'];
    $trade      = $row['trade'];
    $record_ty  = $row['record_ty'];
    $cust       = $row['cust'];
    $orderid    = $row['orderid'];
    $num        = $row['num'];
    $reqship    = $row['reqship'];
    $terms      = $row['terms'];
    $ship       = $row['ship'];
    $mycount2   = $mycount2 + 1;
    $gr_total   = $gr_total + $row['num'];
    $tradestyle = '99';
    $custnum    = '999999999999999';
    $record     = 'S';
    $recordtype = '999999T999999999999999';
 fprintf($handle, "%-4s%-1s%-1s%-15s%-22s%-8s%-1s%-6s%-3s%-6s", $client, $trade,$record_ty , $cust, $orderid, $num,$space1, $reqship, $terms, $ship . "\n");
$update = odbc_exec($connect, $sql_update);
$sql_update="update SalesOrders set transmit = 1 where ompSalesOrderID in $orderid"

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Forget about $orderid.


The data is coming from the $sql2 query, right? Every single $orderid came from that query, right? That query is what decided which orderids to return, right? It looked at everything and decided which ones to get, right?


Now you want to do something to all those orders that came back, right? They all get the same treatment, right?


Look at the query you started with. You gave it conditions to match against each order.


Here's where it gets magical:


If you do an UPDATE query with those very same conditions then it'll target the very same orders that the first query returned.


You follow that? So. All you have to do is make a new UPDATE query with the right syntax that does the thing you want it to do, copy those conditions from the earlier SELECT, and run it.

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This is what I ended up with ??? 



$connect = odbc_connect("removed");
if (!$connect) {
    exit("Connection Failed: " . $connect);
$gr_total = 0;
$gr_count = 0;
$sql      = "

SELECT distinct '1234' AS CIT
		,'A' as record_type
	,ltrim(rtrim(SO.ompCustomerOrganizationID))as customer
	--,ltrim(rtrim(so.ompShipLocationID)) as location
	,ltrim(rtrim(left(cmoName,30))) as name
	,left(ltrim(rtrim(cmoAddressLine2)),30) as address1
	,ltrim(rtrim(cmoCity)) as city
	,ltrim(rtrim(cmoState)) as state
    ,ltrim(rtrim(cmoPostCode)) as postal
	, ltrim(rtrim(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cmoPhoneNumber, '(', ''), ')', ''), '-', ''))) as phone
FROM m1_kf.dbo.SalesOrders SO
LEFT JOIN m1_kf.dbo.Organizations ON cmoOrganizationID = SO.ompCustomerOrganizationID
WHERE SO.ompOrderDate >= '05-18-2017' 
AND ompPaymentTermID in ('CN30','CTN30')

$sql2   = "

 '1234' as clid
 ,'  ' as trade 
 ,'R' as record_ty
 ,ltrim(rtrim(ompCustomerOrganizationID)) as cust
 ,ltrim(rtrim(ompSalesOrderID)) as orderid
 , right('00000000'+cast(cast(round(ompOrderTotalBase,0)as int) as varchar(), as num
 ,REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), ompRequestedShipDate, 1), '/', '') as reqship
 ,'030' as terms
 ,REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), ompRequestedShipDate, 1), '/', '') as ship
 from m1_kf.dbo.SalesOrders where ompOrderDate >= '05-18-2017' and ompOrderTotalBase >1
 AND ompPaymentTermID in ('CN30','CTN30') and UOMPSCHEDULENUMBER !=1
$result = odbc_exec($connect, $sql);
if (!$result) {
    exit("Error in SQL");
$mycount    = 0;
$tradestyle = ' ';
$address2=' ';
$my_file    = date('m-d-Y_hia') . '.CO';
$handle = fopen($my_file, 'w+') or die('Cannot open file:  ' . $my_file);
while ($row = odbc_fetch_array($result)) {
    $record_type = $row['record_type'];
    $cit_cust_id = $row['CIT'];
    $cust_num    = $row['customer'];
    $name        = $row['name'];
    $address     = $row['address1'];
    $city        = $row['city'];
    $state       = $row['state'];
    $postal      = $row['postal'];
    $phone       = $row['phone'];
     fprintf($handle, "%-4s%-2s%-1s%-15s%-30s%-30s%-30s%-17s%-2s%-9s%-10s", $cit_cust_id, $tradestyle, $record_type, $cust_num, $name, $address,$address2, $city, $state, $postal, $phone . "\n");
    $mycount = $mycount + 1;

$results = odbc_exec($connect, $sql2);
if (!$results) {
    exit("Error in SQL");
$mycount2 = 0;
$space1 =' ';
$space6   = ' ';
$space12  = ' ';
$today    = date("mdy");
while ($row = odbc_fetch_array($results)) {
    $client     = $row['clid'];
    $trade      = $row['trade'];
    $record_ty  = $row['record_ty'];
    $cust       = $row['cust'];
    $orderid    = $row['orderid'];
    $num        = $row['num'];
    $reqship    = $row['reqship'];
    $terms      = $row['terms'];
    $ship       = $row['ship'];
    $mycount2   = $mycount2 + 1;
    $gr_total   = $gr_total + $row['num'];
    $tradestyle = '99';
    $custnum    = '999999999999999';
    $record     = 'S';
    $recordtype = '999999T999999999999999';
 fprintf($handle, "%-4s%-1s%-1s%-15s%-22s%-8s%-1s%-6s%-3s%-6s", $client, $trade,$record_ty , $cust, $orderid, $num,$space1, $reqship, $terms, $ship . "\n");
 fprintf($handle, "%-4s%-2s%-1s%-15s%06d%06d%-6s%012d", $client, $tradestyle, $record, $custnum, $mycount, $mycount2, $space6, $gr_total);
 fprintf($handle, "\n");
 fprintf($handle, "%-22s%06d%06d%-6s%012d%-12s%-6s", $recordtype, $mycount, $mycount2, $space6, $gr_total, $space12, $today);
    $sql_update="update m1_kf.dbo.SalesOrders set UOMPSCHEDULENUMBER=1  where ompOrderDate >= '05-18-2017' and ompOrderTotalBase >1
 AND ompPaymentTermID in ('CN30','CTN30')  and UOMPSCHEDULENUMBER !=1";
$update = odbc_exec($connect, $sql_update);



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