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Set width to multiSelect


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Please open http://ec2-34-212-140-26.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com/admin/product/edit?id=61&debug=9
page. Login must be visible on login page. Just click “Login”.
Popup dialog with multiSelect is opened with code like:

$('#multi_categories_list').multiSelect( {
multiple: false,
header: "Type",
noneSelectedText: "Type",
selectedList: 1,

} );

$("#multi_categories_list").css('width', '1000px');

if ( parseInt(this_debug) == 9 ) {
alert( "INITED::" )

I try to set more width in ways I found in google, but failed.
Which is the right way?


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Is there a reason you're using JS to set the width and not CSS?


It looks like you're targeting the <select> element, but due to the use of some multi-select plugin, the <select> element is actually hidden and will be updated automatically by the plugins' Javascript when you select one of the multi-select items (which are actually just rendered as <li>'s)


Try targeting the element "#ms-multi_categories_list" when setting the width, and you should see things change.

$("#ms-multi_categories_list").css('width', '1000px');

Ideally, however, you would add this width information to your stylesheet



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