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Display distance on my posts using facetwp plugin


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I'm trying to display distance on my posts using facetwp plugin in my listify theme.







Listify format for using hooks ver 2.x




I tried this code in my function.php but getting no result.

add_filter( 'listify_get_listing_to_array', function( $data, $listing ) {
$distance = facetwp_get_distance();
if ( '' !== $distance ) {
$data['distance'] = $distance;
return $data;
}, 10, 2 );
add_action( 'listify_content_job_listing_meta', function() {
// Check if available.
echo '<# if ( data.distance ) { #>';

echo '<div class="fwp-distance">{{data.distance}}</div>';

echo '<# } #>';
} );

add_filter( 'facetwp_proximity_store_distance', '__return_true' );

Any suggestions will be highly appreciated :)


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