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Unable to attach an external RDS instance to Elastic Beanstalk using CLI


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Hi all :happy-04:  !


I have been trying to achieve  the equivalent of  Adding an Amazon RDS DB Instance to Your PHP Application Environment using CLI. I have searched for it without success and now I am wondering if I should be using the console for this purpose instead. I am also wondering if it is possible to achieve the same with a CLI. :confused:  :confused:  



I tried the sample applications, using the console panel, and I was able to use it correctly. I believe that I read somewhere in the documentation that if I wanted to use GIT with EB, then I should use the CLI instead of the console since the CLI facilitates automation. Now I have successfully tried out my sample application ( bare minimum) using GIT and it works as does the functionality of GIT, but I am unable to connect the external RDS instance ( that I created before creating an EB instance) to it now from the CLI.


I'll be very grateful for any help on this. 


Thanks all !

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I forgot: do you want to make a brand-new RDS instance for each deploy, or use an existing one? If you want a new one then that's AWS CLI work...


Either way you end up with the important information about the instance: hostname, username, and password (the latter two you set yourself). Then you don't have to do any AWS work - just put the information into PDO or whatever and you're set.

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Hi requinix, 


Thanks for the reply.  I am creating an external DB so it is independent of the EB EC2 instance. The EC2 instances will be created and destroyed on each deploy but that will have no effect on the DBInstance.


I have yet to try out what you have suggested. Will revert once I have done it. 


Thanks !

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Hi requinix !


Ya so that makes it one time. 




 (UI is easier) 

???? What's that ?


Ok so I went and re-did the whole sample app process again and I am a bit clearer. 


Since the deployment erases the EC2 instance and recreates it, I will have to setup quite a few parameters some of which you have mentioned i.e. host/username etc. 


In fact these are the things that I need to do:

1. Set my document root.

2. Add the default VPC security group to the DBinstance auto generated security group.

3. Copy my database to the EC2 instance and into mysql.

4. And the host name and security credentials into a config file. 


  I would also like to save my environment into a Jason file. I think that all this would involve setting up a yml file, config file and a maybe some more. 


This is exactly where I am stuck. I would be glad if you could help me with these, the actual setting up or as far as possible, of these files. 


Thanks loads !

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The UI is what they call the "console"... and that ambiguity is why I called it the UI. You know, the main website for managing stuff.


- Document root is a configuration thing. Or just say /var/www

- Auto-generated security group? Don't. Make a standalone security group for these instances and have each use it.

- Copy database is a configuration thing. Should be just a matter of a post-installation command to dump the RDS data into the local MySQL like

mysqldump --options... and -h -u -p for the rds instance | mysql -h -u -p for the local instance
- Hostname and credentials are also a configuration thing


The CodeDeploy settings go into their own file, your application settings go into their own file(s) however they're supposed to work.

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