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How to import excel file which includes multiple sheets using PHP into Mysql Database


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For Example :I have two sheets in excel file ID and Name tabs, I also create ID and Name tables in the Mysql DB. In these two sheets, also have associated Columns and Data. Now I would like to import this excel file through file upload UI using PHP function.

How can I do for that please help me to suggest? Thanks



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You can do this with reader.php , i tired to post my code here as below


input form

                <div class="col-md-3 hidden-phone"></div>
                <div class="col-md-6" id="form-login">
                    <form class="well" action="savetodatabase1.php" method="post" name="upload_excel" enctype="multipart/form-data">
                            <legend>Import CSV/Excel file</legend>
                            <div class="control-group">
                                <div class="control-label">
                                    <label>CSV/Excel File:</label>
                                <div class="controls form-group">
                                    <input type="file" name="file" id="file" class="input-large form-control">
							<div class="controls form-group">
                                    <input type="text" name="sheet" id="sheet" class="input-large form-control">
                            <div class="control-group">
                                <div class="controls">
                                <form><button formaction="index.php">Home</button></form><button type="submit" id="submit" name="Import" class="btn btn-success btn-flat btn-lg pull-right button-loading" data-loading-text="Loading...">Upload</button>
                <div class="col-md-3 hidden-phone"></div>
						<div align="center"><img src="js/excelupload.jpg" alt="Excel Image" style=""></div>

saving data to mysql with php

		include 'db_connection.php';
		include 'reader.php';	

        echo $filename=$_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"];		
		$sheet = (isset($_POST['sheet'])) ? $_POST['sheet'] : '';
			$connection=new Spreadsheet_Excel_Reader();
			while($x<=$connection->sheets[$sheet]['numRows']) {
			$style = isset($connection->sheets[$sheet]['cells'][$x][1]) ? $connection->sheets[$sheet]['cells'][$x][1] : '';
			$order = isset($connection->sheets[$sheet]['cells'][$x][2]) ? $connection->sheets[$sheet]['cells'][$x][2] : '';
			$color = isset($connection->sheets[$sheet]['cells'][$x][3]) ? $connection->sheets[$sheet]['cells'][$x][3] : '';
			$s4s = isset($connection->sheets[$sheet]['cells'][$x][4]) ? $connection->sheets[$sheet]['cells'][$x][4] : '';
			$s6s = isset($connection->sheets[$sheet]['cells'][$x][5]) ? $connection->sheets[$sheet]['cells'][$x][5] : '';
			$s8s = isset($connection->sheets[$sheet]['cells'][$x][6]) ? $connection->sheets[$sheet]['cells'][$x][6] : '';
			$s10s = isset($connection->sheets[$sheet]['cells'][$x][7]) ? $connection->sheets[$sheet]['cells'][$x][7] : '';
			$s12s = isset($connection->sheets[$sheet]['cells'][$x][8])? $connection->sheets[$sheet]['cells'][$x][8] : '';
			$s14s = isset($connection->sheets[$sheet]['cells'][$x][9]) ? $connection->sheets[$sheet]['cells'][$x][9] : '';
			$sxss = isset($connection->sheets[$sheet]['cells'][$x][10]) ? $connection->sheets[$sheet]['cells'][$x][10] : '';
			$sss = isset($connection->sheets[$sheet]['cells'][$x][11]) ? $connection->sheets[$sheet]['cells'][$x][11] : '';
			$sms = isset($connection->sheets[$sheet]['cells'][$x][12]) ? $connection->sheets[$sheet]['cells'][$x][12] : '';
			$sls = isset($connection->sheets[$sheet]['cells'][$x][13]) ? $connection->sheets[$sheet]['cells'][$x][13] : '';
			$sxls = isset($connection->sheets[$sheet]['cells'][$x][14]) ? $connection->sheets[$sheet]['cells'][$x][14] : '';
			$sxxls = isset($connection->sheets[$sheet]['cells'][$x][15]) ? $connection->sheets[$sheet]['cells'][$x][15] : '';
			$ctnqty = isset($connection->sheets[$sheet]['cells'][$x][16]) ? $connection->sheets[$sheet]['cells'][$x][16] : '';
			$invoice = isset($connection->sheets[$sheet]['cells'][$x][17]) ? $connection->sheets[$sheet]['cells'][$x][17] : '';
			$kcgmt = isset($connection->sheets[$sheet]['cells'][$x][18]) ? $connection->sheets[$sheet]['cells'][$x][18] : '';
			$season = isset($connection->sheets[$sheet]['cells'][$x][19]) ? $connection->sheets[$sheet]['cells'][$x][19] : '';
			$buyer = isset($connection->sheets[$sheet]['cells'][$x][20]) ? $connection->sheets[$sheet]['cells'][$x][20] : '';
			$factory = isset($connection->sheets[$sheet]['cells'][$x][21]) ? $connection->sheets[$sheet]['cells'][$x][21] : '';
			 $sql = "INSERT INTO freddyhipment 
                                       SET  id='', 
									        style ='$style',
									         orderno ='$order',
                                             col ='$color',
											 s4s ='$s4s',
											 s6s ='$s6s',
											 s8s ='$s8s',
											 s10s ='$s10s',											
											 s12s ='$s12s',
											 s14s ='$s14s',
											 xs ='$sxss',
											 s ='$sss',
											 m ='$sms',
											 l ='$sls',
											 xl ='$sxls',
											 xxl ='$sxxls',
											 ctnqty ='$ctnqty',
											 invoice ='$invoice',
											 kcgmt ='$kcgmt',
											 season ='$season',
											 buyer ='$buyer',
											 factory ='$factory'
			//$query = mysqli_query ($conn,$sql) or die (mysqli_error($conn));
			if (mysqli_query($conn,$sql)) {
            echo "Data saved in Database successfully,Clik to go in <a href='index.php'>System</a><br /> ";
        } else {
            echo "Data not saved,Clik to go in <a href='index.php'>System</a>" . mysqli_error($conn);
			else {
    echo "Not mathhhng!<form><button formaction='input.php'>Back</button></form><form><button formaction='index.php'>Home</button></form>";
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