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Path to Downloading Attachment


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I have a problem with my code.. I cant do download attachment, when I click on link "image.jpg", the link appears this way "www.site.com/image.jpg" but the link doesnt existe.

$id = $_POST['id'];
$pdo = new PDO("sqlite:mydb.db");
$email = $pdo->query("SELECT * FROM `myemails` WHERE `id`='$myid'")->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

$email_body = base64_decode($email['message']);

$letter_html = "";
//$op_getKey = preg_match_all("/Content-Type: multipart\/alternative; boundary=\"(.*?)\"/", $email_body, $getKey);
//$op_getKey = preg_match_all("/alternative; boundary=\"(.*)\"/", $email_body, $getKey);
$op_getKey = preg_match_all("/boundary=\"(.*)\"/", $email_body, $getKey);
//$has_attachment = preg_match_all("/multipart\/mixed/; boundary=\"(.*?)\"/", $email_body, $attachment);
$has_attachment = preg_match_all("/multipart\/mixed/", $email_body, $attachment);
if ($op_getKey) {
if ($has_attachment) {
$mailParts = explode("--" . $getKey[1][1], $email_body);
$attachParts = explode("--" . $getKey[1][0], $email_body);

$get_attach_name=preg_match_all("/filename=\"(.*?)\"/", $attachParts[2], $attach_name);
$get_attach_type=preg_match_all("/Content-Type: (.*?);/", $attachParts[2], $attach_type);
$pure_code = explode("\n\n",$attachParts[2]);
$pure_code = str_replace("\r","",$pure_code[1]);
$pure_code = str_replace("\n","",$pure_code);
$mailParts = explode("--" . $getKey[1][0], $email_body);

Can you give me some help implementing this code in my code?

$savedir = __DIR__ . '/attachment/';

$myemail = $email->search('ALL');
if ($myemail ) {
rsort($myemail );
foreach ($myemail as $my2email) {
foreach ($my2email->getAttachments() as $attachment) {
$savepath = $savedir . $attachment->getFilename();
file_put_contents($savepath, $attachment);

So that it is possible, whenever you receive an email, that the file go to the "attachment" folder and can download the image or file ..



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