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My update code is not updating the database with values


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  error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE);

 // Initialize connection to database


 // Check connection
 if (mysqli_connect_errno())
   echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();

function render_error($settings = array("title"=>"Failed","body"=>"Sorry, your submission failed. Please go back and fill out all required information."))
	{ ?>
<h2><?php echo (isset($settings['title']))? $settings['title']:"Error"; ?></h2>
<p><?php echo (isset($settings['body']))? $settings['body']:"An unknown error occurred."; ?></p>
	$sql = "UPDATE xphias SET pastorname=?, ministriesname=?, sermon_name=?, scripture=?, video_name=?, sermon_notes=?, sermon_date=? WHERE sermon_id=?";

$stmt = $conn->prepare($sql);

// We have one datetime parameter, one integer parameter and 6 string data types
// So that's 6 consecutive string params and then 1 datetime parameter and one integer param.

$stmt->bind_param('sssssssd', $pastorname, $ministriesname, $sermon_name, $scripture, $video_name, $sermon_notes, $sermon_date, $sermon_id);

if ($stmt->errno) {
  echo "FAILURE!!! " . $stmt->error;
else echo "Updated {$stmt->affected_rows} rows";



Greetings again,


I am trying to use the following code to update some database fields.


When I run the code, I get successful update message but no record is updated.


I am not getting any errors.


Any ideas what I could be doing wrong?



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By the way, are you sure you need "d" for the last variable? Since sermon_id is a primary key in your table (I guess so according to your code), "i" would do the job fine. Of course, "d" won't prevent your code from working, but I don't see a point using double in this case.

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