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export excel fails in php7


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I am Seeking help on exporting mysql files to php7 to make a labels program

My code has worked for many years but now breaks with php7 Now, when I run the program all I get is "cannot open protected file"


I have tired a number of different headers to no avail

This is the code that produces the excel file. the importing of records into the database all works fine. it seems just the export to exce that has changedl


// Get data records from table.

$Result=mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "select * from apo_bulk  ") or die ('482.....'.mysqli_error($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"]));

//go get the data we need...
//fetching each row as an array and placing it into a holder array ($aData)
while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($Result)){
$aData[] = $row;
$aData[] =array('A','0.5','17','10','6');


$contents = getExcelData($aData);

$filename = "apo_label.xls";

//prepare to give the user a Save/Open dialog...
header ("Content-type: application/octet-stream");
header ("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=".$filename);

//setting the cache expiration to 30 seconds ahead of current time. an IE 8 issue when opening the data directly in the browser without first saving it to a file
$expiredate = time() + 30;
$expireheader = "Expires: ".gmdate("D, d M Y G:i:s",$expiredate)." GMT";
header ($expireheader);

//output the contents
echo $contents;
function getExcelData($data){
$retval = "";
if (is_array($data)  && !empty($data))
$row = 0;
foreach(array_values($data) as $_data){
if (is_array($_data) && !empty($_data))
if ($row == 0)

// write the column headers
//   $retval = implode("\t",array_keys($_data));
// $retval .= "\n";
//create a line of values for this row...
$retval .= implode("\t",array_values($_data));
$retval .= "\n";
//increment the row so we don't create headers all over again
return $retval;





Any help is appreciated.


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First of all, you should wrap your code between CODE tags, so it becomes easier to read and understand.


Secondly, you should tell us at which line this error is displayed (since there's no custom error message "cannot open protected file" in your code, most likely it comes right from PHP. If it's true, PHP always displays number of line where problem occurs.


Once you complete these steps, I'm sure we will be able to assist you further.

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Unless you're going to be producing an actual excel file, don't use the .xls extension.


You appear to be trying to output a tab separated file currently. Comma-separated files are more typical and would likely be supported better, so I'd suggest you use that instead. You'll want to use .csv for your extension and the text/csv mime type then.


To format your data correctly for a CSV file, you can use the fputcsv function. Open a temporary csv file, write your data to it then read it out to the browser.


$fp = fopen('php://temp', 'w+');
while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($Result)){
    fputcsv($fp, $row);
    fputcsv($fp, array('A','0.5','17','10','6'));

//prepare to give the user a Save/Open dialog...
header ("Content-type: text/csv");
header ("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=apo_label.csv");

//setting the cache expiration to 30 seconds ahead of current time. an IE 8 issue when opening the data directly in the browser without first saving it to a file
$expiredate = time() + 30;
$expireheader = "Expires: ".gmdate("D, d M Y G:i:s",$expiredate)." GMT";
header ($expireheader);

//output the contents

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