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Reading syslog/journalctl with PHP


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I would like to allow an embedded webserver to view the server's system logs.  The PHP UX will allow user to:

  1. Select start/finish dates or select "real time" mode which will mimic journalctl -f.
  2. Select the user(s) who is logging the data similar to journalctl -u httpd.
  3. Optionally save the output in a file which will be downloaded to the webclient after the log is run (or canceled if using real time mode).

When a hard start and finish date is specified, my thoughts are probably to execute use exec() with journalctl with applicable flags including -o json, wrapping the data with HTML as required for viewing, and creating a CSV file for the optional file feature.


The real time mode will be a bit trickier.  Since this will not be continuously running but only on a as-needed basis, I would like to keep it simple.  Options for PHP to access the data seem to be:

  1. Directly reading sockets (sounds complicated).
  2. Directly read the log files (how?) and use http://php.net/manual/en/book.inotify.php to determine when it was changed (sounds complicated).
  3. cUrl requests to https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd-journal-gatewayd.service.html.  Security risk, however, I don't think it will ever be publicly accessible.
  4. Use http://php.net/manual/en/function.proc-open.php to create a stream.
  5. Call some sort of C library (sounds complicated)
  6. Something else?

And then there is implementing how the webclient can access the data.  Options seem to be:

  1. Bypass PHP and have the client directly query https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd-journal-gatewayd.service.html.
  2. Store the log obtained in one of the above strategies into a session, and have the client periodically poll the server using HTTP.
  3. Implement a websocket server.  I am only using a RPi, and am a little concerned about resources.
  4. Something else?
As you can likely tell, I haven't really vetted this out, and am really just looking for a general direction at this time.  Thanks!

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I'd probably just go for the gatewayd webservice and make it only accessible via localhost rather than via any network.


Otherwise, proc_open + a websocket connection seems like the next best option.


After that would be polling with some ajax requests for new data. journalctl has a cursor option that you can save on each request and pass back on the next poll to search for new log entries after the cursor.

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Thanks kicken,  The gatewayd webservice is pretty impressive, and will most likely use it.  It comes with a UI  Couldn't figure out where to configure   ListenStream=[::1]:19531 to make accessible via localost only.  Since accessible by localhost only, you mean query it via PHP curl, and that a websocket would still be required?  If websockets, would you recommend using a framework such as ratchet over reactphp, or some other approach?  Even if no websockets required, I've wanted to try out websockets, and would appreciate recommended initial direction.

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