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How do I tell a Python script to use a particular version?


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How do I tell a Python script to use a particular version?
How do I, in the main.py module (presumably), tell Python which interpreter to use?
What I mean is: if I want a particular script to use version 2 of Python to interpret the entire program, how do I do that?

I know that you can run your programs/scripts with different versions by typing "Py -2 file.py" or "Py -3 file.py", but is there any way to run...



btw  if i do so - it fails

 py -2 cp1.py


martin@linux-3645:~/_dev_/python>  py -2 cp1.py
If 'py' is not a typo you can use command-not-found to lookup the package that contains it, like this:
    cnf py

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