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How to make a html form submit automatically using php


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I have the following empty form that needs to be submitted automatically, but which doesn't work:

echo "<form name = \"myform\" id = \"myform\" style= \"margin-left:180px; padding-top:100px\" method=\"post\" action=\"";
echo htmlspecialchars($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]);
echo "\">";	
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"Next\"  value =\"1\">";
echo "<input style = \"margin-left:260px\" type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Download\">";
echo "</form>";  
echo "<script>document.getElementById('myform').submit();</script>"; 

The reason I have this form is that I have a downloading routine at the beginning of the script:

     $exe = "setup.exe";
     header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream"); // binary file
     header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"setup.exe\""); // download as "Installation-file.exe"
     header("Content-Length: " . filesize($exe)); // tells the browser and user how large the file download will be
     readfile($exe); // dump the file

Can anyone help? Thanks in advance.


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Well, the thing is that the script works as it is now by clicking the submit button. The download works fine. The only thing is that I want to avoid having to click the submit button, so that the submit happens automatically.

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