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Adding New Function in Current Code


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Viewers, Thanks for watching I hope one of you will help me soon, below is my function of Codeignitor.

function status()
$org = Array ( [0] => Response: Follows [1] => Privilege: Command [2] => Name/username Host Dyn Forcerport ACL Port Status [3] => Test-Call 5060 OK (256 ms) [4] => rutest/rutest (Unspecified) D 0 UNKNOWN [5] => simpro/simpro (Unspecified) D 0 UNKNOWN [6] => test2 5060 UNREACHABLE [7] => 4 sip peers [Monitored: 1 online, 3 offline Unmonitored: 0 online, 0 offline] [8] => --END COMMAND-- [9] => );

foreach($results as $row)
foreach($org as $str)


return data = {"":{"id":"1","name":"Test-Call","pass":"Google","orig_ip":"","call_limit":"128","status":"1","created_on":"2018-01-14 08:04:44","active":"OK"},"1":{"id":"2","name":"test2","pass":"sfsdfsa","orig_ip":"","call_limit":"64","status":"1","created_on":"2018-03-08 01:07:02","active":"NOTOK"}}
So as you can see I get active: OK or NOTOK, I want it will also show another array with name latency: Result or N/A, check on $org = which IP result is OK with that result there is latency OK (256 ms), so I want to get that result in array too without ( ) like this "active":"OK or NOTOK" & "latency":"256 ms or N/A"

I hope I clarified my question & someone will able to help me ASAP, Thanks in advance.

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That's clearly not the code you're using: it's not valid. The $org thing at the top and the data= bit at the bottom. PHP will refuse to execute the file containing this.


So what is the real code? If you need to get the latency from $org then we have to see what $org actually is.

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$org is asterisk AMI command I give you like this to make you understand better, we get data from asterisk exactly like this, & we want to view only one more things is that latency as I was mentioned on my question also.

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Okay then...


You have to figure out which of the $org lines contains the latency information. Your code already does that. Then you can use a regular expression to extract the value.

preg_match('/\((\d+) ms\)/', $str, $match)
Learn about preg_match and how to use it, then you can get the latency value from $match[1].
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