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Namespacing not working properly


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Wasn't sure which section to post this question in so putting it here...


I am making my own app and trying to implement namespacing with composer but it isn't working. 


The directory structure of my application is as follows:













In composer.json I have:

    "autoload": {
        "psr-4": {
            "Bills\\" : "src/"

In my index.php I have:

	require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';

	use Bills\LoginController;

     	$actions = explode("/", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
	if($actions[1] != '') {
		$name = ucfirst($actions[1]) . "Controller";
		$object = new $name($secret);

In LoginController.php I have 'namespace Bills;' at the top.


But when I run it I get the error:


 Uncaught Error: Class 'LoginController' not found in /var/www/***/public_html/public/index.php


Not sure what's going wrong... 

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Yeah... I got it working by doing this - 

		$name = ucfirst($actions[1]) . "Controller";
		$controller = "Bills\\" . $name;
		$object = new $controller($secret);

so it's new Bills\LoginController(); Not sure if that's how you're meant to do it, but it works so that's a relief

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