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Using multiple variables to create an array...

Jim R

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I'm passing variables passed through the URL for year and team.  


For example:  $year = 19, $team = 2


I'm joining those variables and creating a value which will correspond to team's page on a site.


$number = 192


The question is how do I set up my array to use that value 192 to make $calendar = 2019roots ?

$year = $_GET['&year'];
$team = $_GET['&team'];

$number = $year.$team;

echo $number;

$calendar = array (
'192' =>'2019roots',
'212' =>'2021roots',
'191' =>'2019grind',
'201' =>'2020grind',
'211' =>'2021grind',
'221' =>'2022grind',
'231' =>'2023grind'

I'm going to use that value to call up the corresponding calendar based on which team's page the User is viewing. 


(I suppose I could create a series of if/else statements, but I'd rather learn how to do this.  I've tried searching for examples, but I'm not even sure how to concisely query the search.)



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I might've made the above too complicated, which is to say I was way off.  I've changed the code, but now it just prints 'array'.

$year = $_GET['&year'];
$team = $_GET['&team'];

$calendar = $year.$team;

$calendar = array (
'192' =>'2019roots',
'212' =>'2021roots',
'191' =>'2019grind',
'201' =>'2020grind',
'211' =>'2021grind',
'221' =>'2022grind',
'231' =>'2023grind'

echo $calendar;
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This works. 

$year = $_GET['&year'];
$team = $_GET['&team'];

$number = $year.$team;

// echo $number;

$calendars = array (
'192' =>'2019roots',
'212' =>'2021roots',
'191' =>'2019grind',
'201' =>'2020grind',
'211' =>'2021grind',
'221' =>'2022grind',
'231' =>'2023grind'

echo $calendars [$number];

echo do_shortcode( '[calendarizeit calendar="'. $calendars [$number] .'"]' );
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An alernative would be to keep the $year and $team separate

$cal_arr =  [  1 => [ 19 => '2019grind' ,
                      20 => '2020grind' ,
                      21 => '2021grind' ,
                      22 => '2021grind' ,
                      23 => '2021grind'     ] ,
               2 => [ 19 => '2019roots' ,
                      21 => '2021roots'     ]
$calendar = $cal_arr[$team][$year];

Which could be further simplified to

$team_cal = [ 1 => 'grind',
              2 => 'roots'  ]; 

$calendar = '20' . $year . $team_cal[$team];

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