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if/else error I get "syntax error, unexpected '}' "


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I am getting the following error "syntax error, unexpected '}'"  I don't see the error, all the brackets are where they need to be aren't they?

$remote = Yes;

if ($remote == "Yes"){
$serverip == $serverwanip;
} else {
$serverip == $serverlocalip;
echo $serverip;

There is no echo of $serverip


Thanks for looking

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Just for the sake of posterity and future google results:


Your code should have been:


if ($remote == "Yes"){
    $serverip = $serverwanip;
} else {
    $serverip = $serverlocalip;
This is a common pattern, and many languages (PHP included) have the ternary operator to reduce this to one line.


$serverip = ($remote == 'Yes') ? $serverwanip : serverlocalip;
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Just for the sake of posterity and future google results:


Your code should have been:


if ($remote == "Yes"){
    $serverip = $serverwanip;
} else {
    $serverip = $serverlocalip;
This is a common pattern, and many languages (PHP included) have the ternary operator to reduce this to one line.


$serverip = ($remote == 'Yes') ? $serverwanip : serverlocalip;


Yes. And you can go one further and use a Boolean value (i.e. True/False) for the $remote value. Shouldn't be using Yes/No anyway when you really want a Boolean. Then it becomes even simpler since no comparison is even needed:

$remote = True; // or False
$serverip = ($remote) ? $serverwanip : serverlocalip;
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