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php mysql query with two conditions problem?


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My web pages are organized in two mysql tables, table category with two columns cat_id and category and table subcategory with three columns cat_id, subcategory and subcat2,  i run this msyql query from terminal it is working:

mysql> SELECT subcat2 from subcategory  WHERE cat_id=1 AND subcategory=3;
| subcat2      |
| 001_003.html |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

Next, i execute the dd-mysqli.php it successfully get the sql query values from the drop down menu and parse to the chgoto.php and run this as well this is in the dd-mysqli.php:

echo "<form method=post name=f1 action='chgoto.php'>";

to print the cat_id and subcategory, it is working, this is chgoto.php:

require 'config-mysqli.php';
//////// End of connecting to database ////////
echo "$cat <br> $page";

the reslut is shown here:

1 (is cat_id)
3  (is subcategory

The problem is with the next php code, i want to add a sql query with two conditions in the chgoto.php to get the subcat2 value which is the url of html pages (as i run this mysql query in termianl in the begining of this post) but this is not working and there is only blank page in the output:

require 'config-mysqli.php';
//////// End of connecting to database ////////
$result = mysqli_query($connection,'SELECT subcat2 from subcategory  WHERE cat_id='.$cat.' AND subcategory='.$page.'');
$row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)){
        $url = $row['subcat2'];
        echo $url;
exit ;


I already enabled the php error log but no errors are reported for this query.

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