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Looking for a fade out after success message from page


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Looking for a fade out after success message from page. I am using this code to place a Success message , now I want this message to fade after "submit Success" .

Can any please help me out.

This is the code in the php

function formSuccess(){
submitMSG(true, "Message Submitted!")

I need this message- "Message Submitted!"  to fade after showing on the page.



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Thanks. If I had to come across this news earlier I would have used it .But the Website structure is mostly done and the contact page is working fine with the message display on the page.and I do not want to disturb it by changing the whole setup. I just want to add this extra code to the after submit message. I am just looking for this small help to complete it. It is the tail end of the website.

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You didn't mention that you were doing some kind of ajax output.  I now see the jscript code which I don't follow.  I assumed that your message was part of the initial display of your page output so this would be perfect there.

Try googling some more yourself.  Good luck.

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You can do with an animated SVG image also

function fadingMessage($messageToDisplay)
        $msg = <<<MSG
            <svg width=800 height=80 viewBox="0 0 800 80">
            <style type='text/css'>
                .msg {
                    font-family: verdana, sans-serif;
                    font-size: 36pt;
                    fill: #8F1FCF;
            <text class="msg" x=0 y=70 >$messageToDisplay</text>
            <animate attributeName="opacity" from="1" to="0" begin="1s" dur="3s" fill="freeze" />
        return $msg;

echo  fadingMessage("This text will just fade away")


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