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Php Encryptors


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Php Experts,

I know Md5 has been cracked and nowadays considered outdated. Otherwise, that was used for encrypting passwords.
Now, they use the hash. But from what I learn about the hash, you cannot decrypt it.
What I mean is, the Admin can never know what your real password is once it is saved in hashed format because the password cannot be de-hashed or decrypted.
I know all that stuff and so don't bother yourself explaining about it.

What I now want to do is create a Messenger where 2 members can communicate via encryption.
To do that, I need my system to decrypt each end user's messages. And so, which one to use ? 
Md5 is crap nowadays and has been cracked. 
If you were in my position then which encryptor (php) would you use to build your encrypted messenger with php ?

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