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Hi I have some website code that has worked fine up to now. I enter a day / month and / year.

I tried to change the txt box for the day into a drop down list. and the submission $_POST fails.

This works

<input style="text-align:right;" type="text" size="1" maxlength="2" name="DD_Balance" value="<?=$_SESSION["DD_Balance"]?>">&nbsp;/&nbsp;


This doesn't

<select name="DD_Balance" style="width:40px">
<option value=$days <? if ($_SESSION["DD_Balance"] == $days){?> SELECTED <?}?>><?=$days?>


Confused as the names of the objects are the same. Also view text is all screwed up on several lines not underneath each other. 

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You are missing the rest of the Opening Php tags and missing the closing option.


You could write this much cleaner using range.

<select name="DD_Balance" style="width:40px">
foreach (range(1, 31) as $number) {
    echo "<option value='$number'>$number</option>";


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Try cutting down on all those entry/exits to php

<select name="DD_Balance" style="width:40px">
    for ($day=1; $day<=31; $day++) {
        $sel = $_SESSION["DD_Balance"] == $day ? 'selected' : '';
echo "<option value='$day' $sel>$day</option>\n";

[edit] ... or

function dayOptions()
    $opts = '';
    for ($day=1; $day<=31; $day++) {
        $sel = $_SESSION["DD_Balance"] == $day ? 'selected' : '';
        $opts .= "<option value-'$day' $sel>$day</option>\n";
    return $opts;
     <select name="DD_Balance" style="width:40px">



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Hi thanks for your suggestions. I should have used another inline php


<option value="<?=$days?>"


BUT your echo and keep everything inside PHP script better and I have never used 


foreach (range(1, 31) as $number

ALSO when I use a loop to create the days drop down and view source i get...

<select name="DD_Balance" style="width:40px">
  <option value="1" >1<option value="2" >2<option value="3" >3<option value="4" >4<option value="5" SELECTED >5<option value="6" >6<option value="7" >7<option value="8" >8<option value="9" >9<option value="10" >10<option value="11" >11<option value="12" >12<option value="13" >13<option value="14" >14<option value="15" >15<option value="16" >16<option value="17" >17<option value="18" >18<option value="19" >19<option value="20" >20<option value="21" >21<option value="22" >22<option value="23" >23<option value="24" >24<option value="25" >25<option value="26" >26<option value="27" >27<option value="28" >28<option value="29" >29<option value="30" >30<option value="31" >31</select>


But the months that have been done manually are

<select name="MM_Balanc style="width:60px">
<option value="1" >Jan
<option value="2" >Feb
<option value="3" >Mar
<option value="4" >Apr
<option value="5" >May


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Your <option> tags should ech have a correponding </option> closing tag.

Your name="MM_Balance should have closing quote.

No need to do the months manually:

function monthOptions($current)
    $opts = '';
    $dt1 = new DateTime('2018-01-01');
    $dp = new DatePeriod($dt1, new DateInterval('P1M'), 11);
    foreach ($dp as $d) {
        $sel = $d->format('m')==$current ? 'selected' : '';
        $opts .= sprintf("<option value='%d' $sel>%s</option>\n", $d->format('m'), $d->format('M') );
    return $opts;
<select name="MM_Balance" style="width:60px">


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