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Call to a member function prepare() on null


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Excerpts of code:

        function addUser() {
	    $username = $_POST['username'];
	    $password = password_hash($_POST['password'], PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
	    $bio = $_POST['bio'];
	    $email = $_POST['email'];
	    $c_status = 0;
            //$avatar = 

	    //$username_query = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * from profiles001 WHERE username=':username'");
            //$username_query->bindValue(':username', $username);

            $query = $pdo->prepare("INSERT into profiles001 (username, password, email, c_status, bio) VALUES (:username, :password, :email, :cstat, :bio)");

            $query->bindValue(':username', $username);
            $query->bindValue(':password', $password);
            $query->bindValue(':email', $email);
            $query->bindValue(':cstat', $c_status);
            $query->bindValue(':bio', $bio);



        function setAvatar() {
            // check if avatar is set, if not give default avatar
            if (isset($file) && $fileError === UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
                $file = $_FILES['userfile'];
                $fileName = $file['name'];
                $fileTmpName = $file['tmp_name'];
                $fileSize = $file['size'];
                $fileError = $file['error'];
                $fileType = $file['type'];
                $fileExt = explode('.', $fileName);
                $fileActualExt = strtolower(end($fileExt));

                $allowedExtensions = array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png');


            // if user has not assigned avatar, assign the default.
            if (empty($file)) {
                $avatar = "assets/soap.jpg";
                $query = $pdo->prepare("INSERT INTO profiles001 (avatar) VALUES (:avatar)");

                $query->bindValue(':avatar', $avatar);


From the database file:

$host   = "localhost";
$database = "soapbox";
$username = "drb";
$password = "m1n3craft";

// Create connection
 		$pdo = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=soapbox;', $username, $password);


Print error message and or code to the screen if there is an error.



NOTE: I also require dbcon.php at the top of the confirmation.php file which is NOT included in the excerpt at the top.

Making pdo a global variable would probably fix it, but from what I heard globals are frowned upon.

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