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Strange query behavior


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Hi guys,

In my connection.php I have:

$db->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS mydata") ;

$db->query("CREATE TABLE mydata
guid INT,
title VARCHAR(100),
term VARCHAR(100)

and my query code :

$myarray = array (
    guid =>  100,
    title => "title test",
    body => "just a test",
    term => "term test",

$myplaceholders[] = '(' . implode (", ", array_fill(0, count($myarray), '?')) . ')'; //also tried '(?,?,?,?)'

$mykeys = implode(', ', array_keys($myarray));

array_push($values, ...array_values($myarray)); //also tried $values = array_values($myarray) ;

$res = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO mydata ($mykeys) VALUES " . join(', ', $myplaceholders)) ;

if ($res->execute($values)) {
    echo 'data inserted';
} else {
    echo 'error in query';

After executing the code, the table is created but no data is inserted. The strange thing is when I leave the create table statement  out of the connection.php and run the code the data is inserted. Any ideas where I'm going wrong?

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This works:

if ($db->query ( "DESCRIBE mydata" )) {
} else {

    $db->query("CREATE TABLE drupaldata
    guid INT,
    title VARCHAR(100),
    body LONGTEXT,
    term VARCHAR(100)


oops, no it doesn't, how to create table if it does not exist?

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Don't create tables like this in your code. They should all be set up before your code gets to run at all.

If you want/need to create them using code, that's one thing, but that's something that should be a process completely separate from everything else. Something you run yourself because you need to set up the database. After that your code shouldn't have to consider the possibility that the table doesn't exist/exist in the state it's expecting.

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Or if it's a one-time process to create the table, just use the host's phpmyadmin tool to create the table and ensure that it is done correctly right in front of you.  THEN write your script.  Perhaps use cut/paste to save the input you use in that process in a notepad window until you get it correct or while experimenting or even to save it as a txt file once you are done if you think you'll need to re-create it.

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