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Get Instant Payment Notification (IPN) data into PHP VARIABLE


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I am working with an API provided here http://ipndoc.paydotcom.com/ to get IPN call back for payment or refund

With the code here:

$input = file_get_contents('php://input');
$json = @json_decode($input, true);

$secret = 'SECRETCODE';
$secret = substr(sha1($secret), 0, 32);

$notification = base64_decode($json['notification']);

$iv = base64_decode($json['iv']);

$decoded = openssl_decrypt(

$data = json_decode($decoded, true);

$trxntype = $data['transactionInfo']['transactionType'];
$paymethod = $data['transactionInfo']['paymentService'];
$f_name = $data['customerInfo']['contactInfo']['firstName'];
$l_name = $data['customerInfo']['contactInfo']['lastName'];

The $f_name and $l_name are correct!
But now, the $ trxntype and $paymethod returns NULL instead of the payment details.

How can I fix this?

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