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There, added points.

The trickiest thing was where to put the points. An independent element was my first thought but I just couldn't get it placed correctly. Then I thought I could stick it in the element itself, but the scaleX that it's doing was reversing the text. Couldn't override the transform: property no matter what I tried - then I accidentally discovered I could transform:inherit which would either scaleX(1*1) or scaleX(-1*-1) and resolve the problem.

I have now spent multiple hours on this. All that for just one day...

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2 minutes ago, kicken said:

Worth it though.  I like it

You have Elon Musk's duck tweet to thank for this idea. Otherwise I would have done something boring like change the site to say "ASP Freaks". Or "Python Freaks: Where Whitespace Is Important".

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Yup. Clicking spawns one immediately and another after a few seconds. Also fixed it so you can't click the same one multiple times for extra points.

(animals spawn automatically up to a limit and only if the tab/window is open, and despawn automatically after a few minutes)

Unrelated: someday I need to put a Konami code easter egg on here.

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