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Please see the attached file for what I am trying to accomplish. This PHP code is what I have so far ..


// display count to values

$arr = array('9','2','3','2','1','5');

$result = array_count_values($arr);

      0s: $result[0]<br>
      1s: $result[1]<br>
      2s: $result[2]<br>
      3s: $result[3]<br>
      4s: $result[4]<br>
      5s: $result[5]<br>
      6s: $result[6]<br>
      7s: $result[7]<br>
      8s: $result[8]<br>
      9s: $result[9]";


* Need to find out how to count 3-digit number strings inside an array. It currently counts single digits only.




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I'd store the input as arrays of 3 digits instead of 3-digit numbers.

$input = [];
for ($i=0; $i<5; $i++) {
    $input[] = str_split(sprintf('%03d',mt_rand(1,999)), 1); 


$input Array
    [0] => Array
            [0] => 8
            [1] => 5
            [2] => 2

    [1] => Array
            [0] => 3
            [1] => 6
            [2] => 3

    [2] => Array
            [0] => 4
            [1] => 1
            [2] => 1

    [3] => Array
            [0] => 1
            [1] => 5
            [2] => 6

    [4] => Array
            [0] => 7
            [1] => 8
            [2] => 2


Then, if you want, you can get the individual positions for counting by using array_column()

$p1 = array_column($input, 0);
$p2 = array_column($input, 1);
$p3 = array_column($input, 2);


$p1 Array
    [0] => 8
    [1] => 3
    [2] => 4
    [3] => 1
    [4] => 7


Edited by Barand
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Regarding your current code

It is going to throw warning notices when the dgits do not appear in the array eg

Notice: Undefined offset: 0 
Notice: Undefined offset: 4 
Notice: Undefined offset: 6 
Notice: Undefined offset: 7 
Notice: Undefined offset: 8

It is repetetive. The advantage of arrays is they can be used in loops, so your code can be replaced by

$arr = array('9','2','3','2','1','5');

$result = array_count_values($arr);

echo "DIGIT FREQUENCY RESULTS ..<br><br>";
for ($d=0; $d<10; $d++) {
    echo "{$d}s : " . ($result[$d] ?? 0) . '<br>';


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Hi Barand.

So like this .. but how do I get 3-digit numbers inside the array to work

// display count to values

$input = [];
for ($i=0; $i<5; $i++) {
    $input[] = str_split(sprintf('%03d',mt_rand(1,999)), 1);

$p1 = array_column($input, 0);
$p2 = array_column($input, 1);
$p3 = array_column($input, 2);

$arr = array(912,296,325,249,125,530);

$result = array_count_values($arr);

echo "DIGIT FREQUENCY RESULTS ..<br><br>";
for ($d=0; $d<10; $d++) {
    echo "{$d}s : " . ($result[$d] ?? 0) . '<br>';


* Need to find out how to count 3-digit number strings inside an array. It currently counts single digits only.



Edited by Jayfromsandiego
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Like this...

//  Get the input string of comma-separated numbers
//  explode into an array and trim off any spaces
    $input_str = "572, 545, 884, 123, 802, 337, 879, 307, 759, 227, 211, 002, 968, 532, 459, 895, 681, 967, 580, 399, 664, 077, 307, 227, 461, 594, 645, 859, 484, 827, 618, 675, 302, 246, 007, 842, 471, 006, 161, 171";
    $input_arr = array_map('trim', explode(',', $input_str));
//  now split each number into a 3-element array
//  and store in $input
    foreach ($input_arr as $n) {
        $input[] = str_split($n, 1);

Now you have a processable array. You now need an array ($freqs)  which contains, for each digit 0-9, an array the counts of that digits in P1, P2 and P3...

//  get the counts in each position
    $freqs =  array_fill_keys(range(0,9), [0,0,0]);

    for ($pos=0; $pos<3; $pos++) {
        $digits = array_column($input, $pos);
        $occurs = array_count_values($digits);
        foreach ($occurs as $n => $tot) {
            $freqs[$n][$pos] += $tot;

You now have all the data that you want to output in your table in the $freqs array.

From that input data you should be able to end up with something like this...


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That looks nice.

I was only able to get the Input. I'm trying,


//  Get the input string of comma-separated numbers
//  explode into an array and trim off any spaces

    $input_str = "572, 545, 884, 123, 802, 337, 879, 307, 759, 227, 211, 002, 968, 532, 459, 895, 681, 967, 580, 399, 664, 077, 307, 227, 461, 594, 645, 859, 484, 827, 618, 675, 302, 246, 007, 842, 471, 006, 161, 171";
    $input_arr = array_map('trim', explode(',', $input_str));

//  now split each number into a 3-element array
//  and store in $input

    foreach ($input_arr as $n) {
        $input[] = str_split($n, 1);

//  get the counts in each position

    $freqs =  array_fill_keys(range(0,9), [0,0,0]);

    for ($pos=0; $pos<3; $pos++) {
        $digits = array_column($input, $pos);
        $occurs = array_count_values($digits);
        foreach ($occurs as $n => $tot) {
            $freqs[$n][$pos] += $tot;

<title>Digit Frequency Box</title>
  <!-- INPUT Table -->
 <table border="1" width="30%">
     <td bgcolor="#F5F5DC"><span style="font-family: verdana,arial,helvetica; font-size: 14px; font-weight: color: #000000;"><?php echo "$input_str"; ?></span></td>

<!-- Digit Frequencies Table -->
 <table border="1">
   <tr><p><b>Digit Frequencies</b></p>
   <tr><td bgcolor="#00994c"><span style="font-family: verdana,arial,helvetica; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; color: #ffffff;">DIGIT</span></td><td bgcolor="#00994c"><span style="font-family: verdana,arial,helvetica; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; color: #ffffff;">P1</span></td><td bgcolor="#00994c"><span style="font-family: verdana,arial,helvetica; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; color: #ffffff;">P2</span></td><td bgcolor="#00994c"><span style="font-family: verdana,arial,helvetica; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; color: #ffffff;">P3</span></td><td bgcolor="#00994c">&nbsp;</td><td bgcolor="#00994c"><span style="font-family: verdana,arial,helvetica; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; color: #ffffff;">DIGIT TOTALS</span></td></tr>


 <table border="1">
   <tr><p><b>DISTRIBUTION LINE</b></p>
     <td bgcolor="#F5F5DC">&nbsp; <b>?</b> - <b>?</b> - <b>?</b> - <b>?</b> - <b>?</b> - <b>?</b> - <b>?</b> - <b>?</b> - <b>?</b> - <b>?</b> &nbsp;</td>


 but I still have no idea how to grab and insert the individual digit data and put it inside PHP echo statements so they appear on the table columns.


Edited by Jayfromsandiego
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The $freqs array contains the counts for P1, P2 , P3 for each digit...

$freqs = Array
    [0] => Array                          # digit "0"
            [0] => 4                      # P1
            [1] => 7                      # P2
            [2] => 1                      # P3

    [1] => Array
            [0] => 3
            [1] => 2
            [2] => 6

    [2] => Array
            [0] => 4
            [1] => 4
            [2] => 6

which, coincidentally, is the same structure as the output table. You now loop through the array and for each digit (row) loop through its array (positions columns) and build the table.

//  create frequncy table and calc digit totals
    $totals =  array_fill_keys(range(0,9), []);
    $tdata = '';
    foreach ($freqs as $n => $occs) {
        $tdata .= "<tr><td><b>$n</b></td>";
        foreach ($occs as $o) {
            $tdata .= "<td>$o</td>";
        $total = array_sum($occs);
        $totals[$n] = [$n,$total];
        $tdata .= "<td>=</td><td><b>$total</b></td></tr>\n";

My complete solution...


//  Get the input string of comma-separated numbers
//  explode into an array and trim off any spaces
    $input_str = "572, 545, 884, 123, 802, 337, 879, 307, 759, 227, 211, 002, 968, 532, 459, 895, 681, 967, 580, 399, 664, 077, 307, 227, 461, 594, 645, 859, 484, 827, 618, 675, 302, 246, 007, 842, 471, 006, 161, 171";
    $input_arr = array_map('trim', explode(',', $input_str));
//  now split each number into a 3-element array
//  and store in $input
    foreach ($input_arr as $n) {
        $input[] = str_split($n, 1);

//  create output table to display the input numbers
//  in rows of 10 numbers 
    $inputdata = '';
    $chunks = array_chunk($input_arr, 10);
    foreach ($chunks as $nums) {
        $inputdata .= "<tr>";
        foreach ($nums as $num) {
            $inputdata .= "<td>$num</td>";
        $inputdata .= "</tr>\n";

//  get the counts in each position
    $freqs =  array_fill_keys(range(0,9), [0,0,0]);

    for ($pos=0; $pos<3; $pos++) {
        $digits = array_column($input, $pos);
        $occurs = array_count_values($digits);
        foreach ($occurs as $n => $tot) {
            $freqs[$n][$pos] += $tot;
//  create frequncy table and calc digit totals
    $totals =  array_fill_keys(range(0,9), []);
    $tdata = '';
    foreach ($freqs as $n => $occs) {
        $tdata .= "<tr><td><b>$n</b></td>";
        foreach ($occs as $o) {
            $tdata .= "<td>$o</td>";
        $total = array_sum($occs);
        $totals[$n] = [$n,$total];
        $tdata .= "<td>=</td><td><b>$total</b></td><td>" . bar($total, 30) . "</td></tr>\n";

//  put digits in frequncy order (highest to lowest)
    uasort ($totals, function($a, $b) {
                        $x = $b[1] <=> $a[1];
                        if ($x == 0) 
                            return $a[0] <=> $b[0];
                        return $x;
    $freqorder = '<b>' . join('</b> &ndash; <b>', array_keys($totals)) . "</b>" ;

* draw bar representing number of occurences
* @param int $val
* @param int $max
    function bar($val, $max)
        $wid = 200;
        $ht  = 15;
        $svg = "<svg width='$wid' height='$ht'>
                <rect x='0' y='0' width='$wid' height='$ht' stroke='#CCC' fill='none'/>
        $pix = $wid/$max;
        $w = $val * $pix;
        $svg .= "<rect x='0' y='0' width='$w' height='$ht' fill='#396' stroke='#CCC' />\n";
        $svg .= "</svg>\n";
        return $svg;

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<meta name="generator" content="PhpED 18.0 (Build 18044, 64bit)">
<title>Number frequencies</title>
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    <h3>Digit Frequency League</h3>
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