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(PHP) Need to change currency function to percentual (%) (at one line)


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Hi all

Would like to ask for help .

Generally I would like to run a webpage which will display actual price + price movements of selected cryptocurrencies.

I´m recieving data from extrernal API. (JSON)
I already integrated currency function (usd), but I need to add also function for showing percent (%) change . (at "24 hour change" section)

This is how code looks like:

$json = file_get_contents('https://api.coingecko.com/api/v3/simple/price?ids=bitcoin&vs_currencies=usd&amp;include_market_cap=true;include_24hr_vol=true;include_24hr_change=true'); 
$bitcoinPrice = json_decode($json);
$json = file_get_contents('https://api.coingecko.com/api/v3/simple/price?ids=dash&vs_currencies=usd&amp;include_market_cap=true;include_24hr_vol=true;include_24hr_change=true'); 
$dashPrice = json_decode($json);

$json = file_get_contents('https://api.coingecko.com/api/v3/simple/price?ids=netchain&vs_currencies=usd&amp;include_market_cap=true;include_24hr_vol=true;include_24hr_change=true');
$netchainPrice = json_decode($json);

$json = file_get_contents('https://api.coingecko.com/api/v3/simple/price?ids=pivx&vs_currencies=usd&amp;include_market_cap=true;include_24hr_vol=true;include_24hr_change=true');
$pivxPrice = json_decode($json);

function formatter($amount) {
  // $formatter = new NumberFormatter('en_US',  NumberFormatter::CURRENCY);
  return '$'.number_format($amount, 2);;
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      <th class="th-sm">Coin name
      <th class="th-sm">ROI
      <th class="th-sm">Daily income
      <th class="th-sm">Price 
      <th class="th-sm">24 change 
      <th class="th-sm">Volume
      <th class="th-sm">Marketcap
      <th class="th-sm">Node price
      <th class="th-sm">Coins for MN
      <th class="th-sm">Nodes
      <td><img src="/img/btc.png" width="15" height="15" title="Bitcoin logo" alt="Bitcoin logo" />    Bitcoin (BTC)
      <td><?=formatter($bitcoinPrice->bitcoin->usd) ?></td>
      <td><?=formatter($bitcoinPrice->bitcoin->usd_24h_change) ?></td>
      <td><?=formatter($bitcoinPrice->bitcoin->usd_24h_vol) ?></td>
      <td><?=formatter($bitcoinPrice->bitcoin->usd_market_cap) ?></td>
      <td><img src="/img/pivx.png" width="15" height="15" title="Pivx logo" alt="Pivx logo" />   Pivx (PIVX)</td>
      <td><?=formatter($pivxPrice->pivx->usd) ?></td>
      <td><?=formatter($pivxPrice->pivx->usd_24h_change) ?></td>
      <td><?=formatter($pivxPrice->pivx->usd_24h_vol) ?></td>
      <td><?=formatter($pivxPrice->pivx->usd_market_cap) ?></td>
      <td><img src="/img/dash.png" width="15" height="15" title="Dash logo" alt="Dash logo" />    Dash (DASH)</td>
      <td>14,40 $</td>
      <td><?=formatter($dashPrice->dash->usd) ?></td>
      <td><?=formatter($dashPrice->dash->usd_24h_change) ?></td>
      <td><?=formatter($dashPrice->dash->usd_24h_vol) ?></td>
      <td><?=formatter($dashPrice->dash->usd_market_cap) ?></td>
      <td><img src="/img/ntx.png" width="15" height="15" title="Netchain logo" alt="Netchain logo" />    Netchain (NTX) </td>
      <td>0,12 $</td>
      <td><?=formatter($netchainPrice->netchain->usd_24h_change) ?></td>
      <td><?=formatter($netchainPrice->netchain->usd_24h_vol) ?></td>
      <td><?=formatter($netchainPrice->netchain->usd_market_cap) ?></td>
      <th>Coin name
      <th>Daily income
      <th>24 change 
      <th>Node price
      <th>Coins for MN

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I need section usd_24h_change in percent %.
How to do that?

I tryed :

<td><($bitcoinPrice->dash->usd_24h_change) ? % ></td> 
<td><($dashPrice->dash->usd_24h_change) ? % ></td> 
<td><($netchainPrice->dash->usd_24h_change) ? % ></td> 
<td><($pivxPrice->dash->usd_24h_change) ? % ></td> 

But it doesn´t work… Please help

Edited by Netchain
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4 hours ago, requinix said:

I'm not sure it can help you...

What is the amount changed since yesterday? Do you have that value?
What is yesterday's price? Do you have that value? Do you possibly have a way of calculating that value?
What is 100?

I already have that value. (24hr_change)


I just need to somehow add symbol "%".....  


Edited by Netchain
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<td><?= $bitcoinPrice->dash->usd_24h_change ?>%</td> 
<td><?= $dashPrice->dash->usd_24h_change ?>%</td> 
<td><?= $netchainPrice->dash->usd_24h_change ?>%</td> 
<td><?= $pivxPrice->dash->usd_24h_change ?>%</td> 

Your markup is malformed - use this instead.

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