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Broadcast Calendar Week Number

Go to solution Solved by Barand,

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The broadcast industry (radio and TV) has a special calendar.  The week starts on Monday.  Week #1 is ALWAYS the week with January 1st.

So, if January 1st is on a Sunday, week #1 will include December 26th through January 1st.

This differs from the ISO standard used by PHP.  I don't know where to start to write a function to give me the broadcast calendar week numbers for a given date.  Google didn't have much...and Stack Overflow had a couple examples...but none of them worked.  They all showed today being week #53, where today (December 30) is in week #1.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks...happy New Year!

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Do you only need a hint in the right direction?

You can get the first day of week #1 by asking strtotime for "January 2 last Monday". That works because
a) If January 2 is on a Monday then "last Monday" will go back a week - which is what you want because Jan 1 would be Sunday and thus part of the previous week
b) If January 2 is on Tuesday-Sunday (note that span is all within the same week) then "last Monday" will go to the previous Monday - which is going to be the same week that January 1 is because it is sometime between Monday-Saturday

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This is always echoing FIRST...even for today (12/30)...any ideas why?


$year = date('Y');
$yearplus = ($year + 1);

$first = date('m-d', strtotime("12-25"));
$second = date('m-d', strtotime("01-01"));

if (date('m-d') <= $first || date('m-d') >= $second)
$first_monday = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("January 2 $year last Monday")); echo "FIRST";
$first_monday = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("January 2 $yearplus last Monday"));  echo "SECOND";

echo $first_monday; exit;



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I don't know if I'm on the right track and I use DateTime(), but I'm sure it can be done with date as well.

$firstMonday = new DateTime("January 1, 2021", new DateTimeZone("America/Detroit"));

if ($firstMonday->format("l") === "Sunday") {
    $firstMonday->modify("last Monday");
    echo $firstMonday->format("F j, Y -l") . "<br>";
} else {
    echo $firstMonday->format("F j, Y -l");


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  • Solution

Here's my attempt

function TVWeek($d = null)
    $dt = new DateTime($d);
    $y = $dt->format('Y');
    $mon1 = new DateTime("$y-01-01");

    // last week of year condition
    $nextd1 = new DateTime("$y-01-01");
    if ($dt->format('W') == $nextd1->format('W')) 
        return 1;

    if ($mon1->format('w') != 1) {
        $mon1->modify('last monday');
    return intdiv( $mon1->diff($dt)->days, 7 ) + 1;

echo '<br>' . TVWeek();                                     // 1
echo '<br>' . date('W');                                    // 53

echo '<br>' . TVWeek('2020-06-01');                         // 23
echo '<br>' . date('W', strtotime('2020-06-01'));           // 23

echo '<br>' . TVWeek('2016-06-01');                         // 23
echo '<br>' . date('W', strtotime('2016-06-01'));           // 22


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