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Issues with fileinfo


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I am attempting to execute the following script on Centos 7 running Remi's PHP 8.0.9 using FPM, and get the following results.  While not positive, it looks like it has something to do with failing to load magic database at "/usr/share/misc/magic" (see at the very end of this post for some relevant content).  Any thoughts?  Thanks

ini_set('display_errors', 1);
ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1);
$finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME, "/usr/share/misc/magic"); // return mime type ala mimetype extension
$finfo = new finfo(FILEINFO_MIME, "/usr/share/misc/magic"); // return mime type ala mimetype extension


Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `belong' in description `%ld x' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `belong' in description `%ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `belong' in description `%ld x' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `belong' in description `%ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Current entry does not yet have a description for adding a MIME type in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Current entry does not yet have a description for adding a MIME type in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Current entry does not yet have a description for adding a MIME type in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Current entry does not yet have a description for adding a MIME type in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Current entry does not yet have a description for adding a MIME type in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Current entry does not yet have a description for adding a MIME type in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Current entry does not yet have a description for adding a MIME type in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Current entry does not yet have a description for adding a MIME type in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `byte' in description `, version %hhd' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `beshort' in description `, system %hd' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `byte' in description `, version %hhd' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `leshort' in description `, system %hd' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Current entry does not yet have a description for adding a MIME type in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `long' in description `, original size: %ld bytes' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `beshort' in description `- version %ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `beshort' in description `- version %ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `belong' in description `- version %ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `belong' in description `- version %ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Current entry does not yet have a description for adding a MIME type in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `belong' in description `Mach-O fat file with %ld architectures' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): New continuation level 2 is more than one larger than current level 0 in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `lelong' in description `, %ld records' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `short' in description `- version %ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `short' in description `- version %ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Current entry does not yet have a description for adding a MIME type in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): New continuation level 2 is more than one larger than current level 0 in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `belong' in description `Volume %ld,' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `belong' in description `Volume %ld,' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `lelong' in description `Volume %ld,' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `lelong' in description `Volume %ld,' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `leshort' in description `Volume %ld,' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `belong' in description `Volume %ld,' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `lelong' in description `Volume %ld,' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `lelong' in description `Universal EFI binary with %ld architectures' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `short' in description `- version %ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `short' in description `- version %ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `long' in description `start cyl %ld,' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `long' in description `%ld blocks' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `lelong' in description `pending inodes to free %ld,' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `lelong' in description `pending inodes to free %ld,' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `belong' in description `pending inodes to free %ld,' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `belong' in description `pending inodes to free %ld,' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `lelong' in description `size %lu' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `lelong' in description `edition %lu,' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `lelong' in description `%lu blocks,' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `lelong' in description `%lu files' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `belong' in description `size %lu' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `belong' in description `edition %lu,' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `belong' in description `%lu blocks,' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `belong' in description `%lu files' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `lelong' in description ` fblock size = %ld,' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `lelong' in description ` block size = %ld,' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `long' in description `%lu skin(s),' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `long' in description `(%lu x' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `long' in description `%lu),' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `long' in description `%lu frame(s),' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `long' in description `Frame size %lu bytes,' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `long' in description `%lu vertices/frame,' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `long' in description `%lu texture coordinates,' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `long' in description `%lu triangles/frame' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `belong' in description `version %lu' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `belong' in description `%lu x' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `belong' in description `%lu,' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `byte' in description `, crypto type %hhu (unknown)' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `byte' in description `, hash type %hhu (unknown)' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `beshort' in description `- version %ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `beshort' in description `- version %ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `long' in description `- version %ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `long' in description `- version %ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `long' in description `- version %ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `beshort' in description `- version %ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `beshort' in description `- version %ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `beshort' in description `- version %ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `beshort' in description `- version %ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `beshort' in description `- version %ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `beshort' in description `- version %ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `beshort' in description `- version %ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `beshort' in description `- version %ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `byte' in description `- version %ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `belong' in description `- version %ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `belong' in description `- version %ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `belong' in description `- version %ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `belong' in description `- version %ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `leshort' in description `%hd x' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `leshort' in description `%hd' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `leshort' in description `%hd x' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `leshort' in description `%hd' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `leshort' in description `%hd x' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `leshort' in description `%hd' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `belong' in description `, %ld x' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `belong' in description `%ld,' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `leshort' in description `%hd x' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `leshort' in description `%hd' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `leshort' in description `bounding box [%hd,' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `leshort' in description `%hd] -' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `leshort' in description `[%hd,' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `leshort' in description `%hd],' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `byte' in description `%hhd-bit' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `leshort' in description `%hd x' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `leshort' in description `%hd dpi,' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `lelong' in description `volume %ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `belong' in description `, %ld x' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `belong' in description `%ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `leshort' in description `%hd x' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `leshort' in description `%hd,' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `leshort' in description `%hd images in file' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `leshort' in description `- version %ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `belong' in description `%lu' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `lelong' in description `filetype=%ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `lelong' in description `architecture=%ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `lelong' in description `architecture=%ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `belong' in description `filetype=%ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `belong' in description `architecture=%ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `belong' in description `architecture=%ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): New continuation level 3 is more than one larger than current level 1 in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `byte' in description `- version %ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `byte' in description `- version %ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `byte' in description `- version %ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `byte' in description `- version %ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `belong' in description `- version %ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `byte' in description `- version %ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `byte' in description `.%ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `byte' in description `.%ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `byte' in description `.%ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `byte' in description `- version %ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `byte' in description `.%ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `byte' in description `- version %ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `byte' in description `.%ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `byte' in description `- version %ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `byte' in description `.%ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `byte' in description `- version %ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `byte' in description `.%ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `byte' in description `- version %ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `byte' in description `.%ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `byte' in description `- version %ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `byte' in description `.%ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `byte' in description `- version %ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `byte' in description `.%ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `byte' in description `- version %ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `byte' in description `.%ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `byte' in description `- version %ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `byte' in description `.%ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `byte' in description `.%ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `belong' in description `(txt=%ld,' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `belong' in description `dat=%ld,' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `belong' in description `bss=%ld,' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `belong' in description `sym=%ld)' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `belong' in description `(txt=%ld,' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `belong' in description `dat=%ld,' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `belong' in description `bss=%ld,' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `belong' in description `sym=%ld)' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `belong' in description `text len %lu,' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `belong' in description `data len %lu,' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `belong' in description `BSS len %lu,' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `belong' in description `symboltab len %lu,' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `belong' in description `flags: 0x%lX,' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `beshort' in description `(version %04lx)' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Current entry does not yet have a description for adding a MIME type in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `lelong' in description `(%ld records)' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `lelong' in description `(%ld records)' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Overflow for numeric type `leshort' value 0x223e9f78 in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `lelong' in description `%hd x' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `lelong' in description `%hd,' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `beshort' in description `- version %ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `beshort' in description `- version %ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `beshort' in description `- version %ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `beshort' in description `- version %ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `beshort' in description `- version %ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `beshort' in description `- version %ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `beshort' in description `- version %ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `byte' in description `- version %ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `byte' in description `- version %ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `byte' in description `- version %ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

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Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `long' in description `- version %ld' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

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Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `belong' in description `version %lu,' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `belong' in description `type: UNKNOWN (%lu),' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `lelong' in description `version %lu,' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Printf format is too long for type `lelong' in description `type: UNKNOWN (%lu),' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Warning: finfo_open(): Failed to load magic database at "/usr/share/misc/magic" in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 5

Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: finfo::__construct(): Printf format is too long for type `belong' in description `%ld x' in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php:6 Stack trace: #0 /var/www/filetest/public/index.php(6): finfo->__construct() #1 {main} thrown in /var/www/filetest/public/index.php on line 6


[michael@devserver ~]$ ls -la /usr/share/misc
total 2856
drwxr-xr-x.   2 root root      34 Jan 19  2021 .
drwxr-xr-x. 134 root root    4096 Aug  4 15:08 ..
-rw-r--r--    1 root root  624579 Sep 30  2020 magic
-rw-r--r--    1 root root 2285896 Sep 30  2020 magic.mgc
[michael@devserver ~]$ ls -la /usr/share/file
total 8
drwxr-xr-x.   2 root root   18 Jan 19  2021 .
drwxr-xr-x. 134 root root 4096 Aug  4 15:08 ..
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root root    8 Jan 19  2021 magic -> ../magic
[michael@devserver ~]$ ls -la /usr/share/file/magic
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 8 Jan 19  2021 /usr/share/file/magic -> ../magic
[michael@devserver ~]$ cat /etc/magic
# Magic local data for file(1) command.
# Insert here your local magic data. Format is described in magic(5).
[michael@devserver ~]$ whereis magic
magic: /etc/magic /usr/share/magic /usr/share/man/man5/magic.5.gz
[michael@devserver ~]$ whereis libmagic
libmagic:[michael@devserver ~]$


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Already tried and no luck.

<b>Fatal error</b>:  Uncaught Exception: finfo::__construct(): offset `�����' invalid in /var/www/filetest/src/MediaType.php:104

I also thought that maybe it was a module but no longer think so.  The following are not installed but I don't think the issue.  Agree?  Even if not a module issue, could it be a repo issue?

I tried file_get_contents() on the file so don't think a permission issue.  If it was corrupted, I would have expected some different message such as this one.  Do you know how these files original were installed?  Maybe uninstall and reinstall it?

php-magickwand.x86_64                     1.0.9-7.el7             epel
php-magickwand-debuginfo.x86_64  remi-safe-debuginfo
php-pecl-gmagick.x86_64                   2.0.6~RC1-1.el7.remi.8.0
php-pecl-gmagick-debuginfo.x86_64         2.0.6~RC1-1.el7.remi.8.0
php-pecl-imagick.x86_64                   3.4.4-17.el7.remi.8.0   remi-php80
php-pecl-imagick-debuginfo.x86_64         3.4.4-17.el7.remi.8.0   remi-php80-debuginfo
php-pecl-imagick-devel.x86_64             3.4.4-17.el7.remi.8.0   remi-php80
php-pecl-imagick-im6.x86_64               3.5.1-1.el7.remi.8.0    remi-php80
php-pecl-imagick-im6-debuginfo.x86_64     3.5.1-1.el7.remi.8.0    remi-php80-debuginfo
php-pecl-imagick-im6-devel.x86_64         3.5.1-1.el7.remi.8.0    remi-php80
php-pecl-imagick-im7.x86_64               3.5.1-1.el7.remi.8.0    remi-php80
php-pecl-imagick-im7-debuginfo.x86_64     3.5.1-1.el7.remi.8.0    remi-php80-debuginfo
php-pecl-imagick-im7-devel.x86_64         3.5.1-1.el7.remi.8.0    remi-php80


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6 hours ago, requinix said:

Running /usr/bin/file from PHP is another option. Deciding based on file extension is another.

Never used file before.  man says it does in order filesystem tests, magic tests, and language tests.  Works on the CLI.  Don't know whether it got to magic tests.  For magic tests, does it also use /usr/share/misc/magic, and were these support files installed specifically for file?  If so, maybe uninstall and reinstall file?

Is magic.mime described by mime_content_type a different file?  It works on my system so maybe it has to be?  My php.ini has no reference to magic as described by this post and maybe add it?

6 hours ago, requinix said:

Deciding based on file extension is another. All depends what you need this MIME type for.

Use case is cache for a simple proxy.  Primary reason was to know which content-type header to include in the response and secondary to validate before saving to disk. mime_content_type doesn't work for the header part unless I add some custom logic for JS/CSS/etc files which come across as text/plain or sometimes text/html.

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On 8/9/2021 at 8:21 AM, requinix said:

What kind of proxy? Because a regular HTTP proxy isn't going to have this MIME type detection problem.

How come I knew you were going to ask me this?  Maybe "proxy" wasn't the right word.  IT department arbitrarily restricts some sites which I need to access and it is a pain every time to contact them and get them to change it, so created a small site on my server which accepts a URL, makes a request to it using cURL, modifies the response body HTML to change resource urls to point to my server, modifies a couple of headers, and returns the response.  If the request is for a js, css, png, etc resource, I first check if I have a copy and if not make a curl request to get it and save it for future requests.  Works sometimes but other times get application/octet-stream.  Maybe not worth the trouble...

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1 hour ago, NotionCommotion said:

so created a small site on my server which accepts a URL, makes a request to it using cURL, modifies the response body HTML to change resource urls to point to my server, modifies a couple of headers, and returns the response

Setting up an actual proxy and configuring your browser to use it would be simpler if you can manage it.  This is what I did ages ago when attending some college classes and their wifi was blocking various sites I wanted to use.  I setup apache at home as a HTTP proxy and while on campus configured Firefox to use it.

Otherwise, just capturing the mime type sent by the original server is really what you should do, rather than trying to determine the mime type later on.

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Thanks both,

@requinix  You mean a "stupid simple cache" is just a flat text file which contains the mime on the first line?

@kicken  Looked a little into Apache proxies.  "Reverse" proxy, right?  Probably would be both simpler and more robust.  Do you recall if you were able to dynamically change the URL by the path as well as modify the css/js/image links so they don't get blocked?

@Both  What do you think the weird output is all about?  The response header says it is text/html but PHP says it is application/octet-stream.  Maybe compressed?

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52 minutes ago, NotionCommotion said:

Looked a little into Apache proxies.  "Reverse" proxy, right?

No, forward proxy using ProxyRequests On and CONNECT to handle https.  For example:

<VirtualHost *:443>
        ProxyRequests On
        <Proxy *>
                AuthType Basic
                AuthName "Proxy"
                AuthUserFile /var/www/.htpasswd
                AuthBasicProvider file
                Require valid-user

Then you configure your browser to use the proxy and just browse normally. 

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1 hour ago, NotionCommotion said:

What do you think the weird output is all about?

It's binary data.  If the server says it's text/html, probably it's compressed text/html.  The compression method would be indicated by a different header (Content-Encoding I think).

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2 hours ago, NotionCommotion said:

What do you think the weird output is all about?  The response header says it is text/html but PHP says it is application/octet-stream.  Maybe compressed?

Can't tell from your post: it doesn't contain any printable magic bytes that I recognize, and the forum will have corrupted the binary data while trying to encode it to UTF-8.

And kicken points out another problem trying to roll your own caching proxy: it's not just Content-Type but also Content-Encoding and a couple other headers you'll have to care about. So the simplest answer is to not do that.

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