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Outputting an array then cycling through another array if the key matches the key in the original array


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So I take into an array from SQL like so

public function ShowComments($Number) { 
		$datas = $this->GetPosts($Number) ;
		echo "type equals: " . gettype($datas) . "<P>";
		foreach ($datas as $data)
	  //May need this later to output pictures
    //     $imageURL = 'upload/'.rawurlencode($row["filename"]);
     $CommentText= nl2br($data['CommentText']);
	 $avatarFilePath = $data['avatar'];
	 $id = $data['IDOfThread'];
	 $PostID = $data['id'] ; 
	 $ParentId = $data['ParentId']; 
   $oFlairs = new cFlairs();
    //Work out Margin for comment replies 
   $levelNumber = $data['level'];
	$Level = $data['level'] * 75; // Used to multiply the margin to create nested comments  
	 //$Level = 1 * 75 ;  
	 $margin = 	"<div class='divTableCell' style='margin-left: $Level" . "px ; '/>"; //input the margin in child comments
	 //$margin = 	"<div class='divTableCell' style='margin-left: 75" . "px ; '>"; //input the margin in child comments
    $ParentComment[] = "";
//Get parent comments into an array 
    if (empty($data['ParentId'])) {
           $ParentComments[$PostID] = "  <div class='divTabledata'>
	<div class='divTableCell'>
		<div class ='UserAndAvatarCommentBox'>
<div > <img src=$avatarFilePath alt='' />	</div> 
	<div class='profileUsername'> {$data['User']} </div> 
		<div class='pointsincommentbox'> {$data['Upvotes']}points</div>

		<div class='divTableComment'> 
		 $CommentText <br>
			<div class='divCommentLinks'> 
		 <button type='button'> ⬆</button> 
		<button type='button'> ⬇</button> 
		<div> $PostID </div> 
		<button type='button'> view comment </button> 
		<button type='button'>report </button> 
		<button type='button'>permalink</button> 
		<button type='button' class ='CommentChildButton'>reply</button>
		<div class ='OpenChildCommentBox'> 
				<form action='CommentUpload.php' method='post' enctype='multipart/form-data'>
				<input type='text' value=$PostID name='PostId' />
				<input type='text' value='1' name='level' />
				<td>Comment: </td>
				<td> <textarea name='CommentText' cols='100' datas='10' > Enter your posts... 
				<td><input type='submit' name='submit' value='Submit'/></td>




Above I use the $ParentComments[$PostID] = " etc etc" to build the top level comment

I then take the Level 1 comments which are all the comments that are a reply to a top level comment




 //Get child comments into an array level 1
       if ($data['ParentId'] && $data['level'] == 1 ) {
           $replies[$ParentId] = "  <div class='divTabledata'>
		<div class='divTableCell' style='margin-left:75px'>
		<div class ='UserAndAvatarCommentBox'>
<div > <img src=$avatarFilePath alt='' />	</div> 
	<div class='profileUsername'> {$data['User']} </div> 
		<div class='pointsincommentbox'> {$data['Upvotes']}points</div>

		<div class='divTableComment'> 
		 $CommentText <br>
			<div class='divCommentLinks'> 
		 <button type='button'></button> 
		<button type='button'></button> 
		<div> $PostID </div> 
		<button type='button'> view comment </button> 
		<button type='button'>report </button> 
		<button type='button'>permalink</button> 
		<button type='button' class ='CommentChildButton'>reply</button>
		<div class ='OpenChildCommentBox'> 
				<form action='CommentUpload.php' method='post' enctype='multipart/form-data'>
				<input type='text' value=$PostID name='PostId' />
				<input type='text' value={$data['level']} name='level' />
				<td>Comment: </td>
				<td> <textarea name='CommentText' cols='100' datas='10' > Enter your posts... 
				<td><input type='submit' name='submit' value='Submit'/></td>


I tried outputting these like the following however it seems to output only 1 of the child comments under the correct Parent comment (the other comments in response to that comment don't show). Is there a better way to do this?

foreach ($ParentComments as $key => $reply)
 	echo $reply  ;

	foreach ($replies as $childKey => $childReply)
	if ($key == $childKey)
	echo $childReply ; 
		foreach ($Level2 as $Key2 => $Level2Reply)
		if ($Key2 == $childKey) 
				echo $Level2Reply ; 
}//foreach loop 


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That's kind of just a wall of poorly formatted code, so it's hard to tell where the actual problem is but let us see the GetPosts() method. What you're describing should be a data gathering concern, not a display concern.

Other unsolicited advice - your entire comment output should be a method of it's own; right now the two blocks are almost identical. And I'm assuming the poor formatting is due to copy/paste issues, but on the off chance that it's not then fix that as it'll make reading your code much easier.

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OK I'll have a go at cleaning it into a function I can call but essentially I am taking in a row of data into an array with also has an array KEY (Which i link to the "id" of the comment)

$ParentComments[$PostID] = "  

I then take in the level 1 comments (ie. replies to a top level comment) with a variable $ParentId for the array key which will take the "ParentId" which should match the "$PostId" variable above.

$replies[$ParentId] = " 

So now I have the top level comments in $ParentComments and I have the responses to these top level comments in $replies

I now want to write a foreach loop which spits out the top level comments like so but after it echos that comment I want to

  • Check if the $replies array contains a response by matching the $ParentComments[$PostId] against the $replies[$ParentId
foreach ($ParentComments as $key => $toplevelcomment)
 	echo $toplevelcomment  ;
 	//It is this point that I would now like to check the $replies array
 	//Then if the $key matches the array key of $replies array
 	//echo that comment


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