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Group by Year and Month but prevent month title repitition


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Hi All,

Hope you're well! I rather hope someone can help.

I've got the following code which queries a database and returns results. I'm then trying to loop the results and group by year, then within a year, group by month. The code works but outputs the following:

- Title 4
- Title 3
- Title 2

- Title 1

As you can see, if a month has more than one result, it displays the month name twice. What I'd like is:

- Title 4
- Title 3
- Title 2

- Title 1

Here's my code:

global $wpdb;	
$post_type = 'offers';
$post_status = 'publish';
$expiry_date = 'expiry_date';
$results = $wpdb->get_results( 
	SELECT P.ID, P.post_title as Title, meta_value as 'Expiry Date', DATE_FORMAT(meta_value, '%Y') as Year, DATE_FORMAT(meta_value, '%m') as Month
	FROM {$wpdb->prefix}posts AS P
	LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta AS PM on PM.post_id = P.ID
	WHERE P.post_type = %s and P.post_status = %s and ( meta_key = %s )",
	$post_type, $post_status, $expiry_date) 

$count_month_map = array();
foreach ($results as $result) :
	if(array_key_exists($result->Year, $count_month_map)) :
		array_push($count_month_map[ $result->Year ], $result);
		$count_month_map[ $result->Year ] = Array( $result );

$last_year = 0;

if( $count_month_map ):

	foreach ($count_month_map as $year => $month) :
		<h3><?php echo $year; ?></h3>
		foreach ($month as $key) : 

			<h4><?php echo $monthName = date('F', mktime(0, 0, 0, $key->Month, 10)); ?></h4>
			$featured_img_url = get_the_post_thumbnail_url($key->ID, 'thumbnail'); #full
			if ( ! empty( $featured_img_url ) ):
			<img src="<?php echo esc_url($featured_img_url); ?>" class="img-fluid" />
			<?php endif; ?>
			<p><a href="<?php echo get_permalink($key->ID); ?>" title="<?php echo $key->Title; ?>"><?php echo $key->Title; ?></a></p>

		<?php endforeach;

I'm not sure if I've approached this correctly, so any help is very much appreciated

Thank you

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when you fetch and index/pivot the data, index it by both the year and the month -

$data = [];
foreach ($results as $result)
	$data[$result->Year][$result->Month][] = $result;

to produce the output -

foreach($data as $year=>$arr)
	// start a new year section here...
	echo "<h3>$year</h3>";
	foreach($arr as $month=>$rows)
		// start a new month section here...
		$monthName = date('F', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 10));
		echo "<h4>$monthName</h4>";
		foreach($rows as $row)
			// output the data under each month here...
			echo "<p>$row->Title</p>";


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Thank you so much @mac_gyver

I really appreciate that. I'd been playing around with:

$data = array();
foreach($results as $event){
        #$data[$event->Year][$event->Month]['ID']= $event->ID;
        #$data[$event->Year][$event->Month]['Title'] = $event->Title;
		$data[$event->Year][$event->Month]['Title'] = $event->Title;
		#$data[$event->Month][]['Month'] = $event->Month;
    } else {
        $data[$event->Year] = array($event->Title);

So I wasn't a million miles away - although your code made it sooo much easier!

Thank you once again!

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