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add toolo tips to hyperlink

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This is not done using a Unix  PC or software apps. No class usage.

I have a php web page with columns. The firs one is a hyperlinked date. What I want is when I move the mouse over it, I get a tool tip showing the EntryDate field which is collected in the sql.

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Basic PHP not using oop or classes.

I have a bank style sheet with columbs using a floating div structure

<div>Date</div>div>Money In</div>div>Money Out</div>div>Balance</div>

        <div style="width:150px;height:4px;padding:10px;text-align:right;float:left;text-color:green;clear:both;"><?=$ViewDate?>
	// ADD TOOL TIP $EntryDate

$ViewDate is the result of a query and this is iterated through the result of the SQL query. If I could add a tool tip $EntryDate

Edited by Paul-D
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Sorry I gave you the un-linked line. It shoud have been

<div style="width:150px;height:4px;padding:10px;text-align:right;float:left;text-color:green;clear:both;"><a href="StatementEntry.php?ID=<?=$ID?>"><?=$ViewDate?></a></div>

Had a look on line and tried

<div style="width:150px;height:4px;padding:10px;text-align:right;float:left;text-color:green;clear:both;"><dfn title="Test"></dfn><?=$ViewDate?>

That didn't work.

Edited by Paul-D
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You want something to show up onscreen when one hovers over it.   You are showing the ViewDate value onscreen but you want a different date to popup during the hover.  I don't understand what else you want to happen.


PS - you want a div that is only 4px high?  That's pretty small.

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No I tried that and it does not work. What I mean by a tool tip is a microsoft tool tip that pops up as a rectangular box of text when the mouse is over it. A kind of help text. This is what I have used kicken's

<a href="StatementEntry.php?ID=<?=$ID?>" title="The tooltip here"><?=$ViewDate?></a>

This is a part of my website that has been up and running since July 2015. I just thought it would help me. This works fine. All I have added to the link is title="The tooltip here"

Edited by Paul-D
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Thanks for your help. This mostly works. The problem is the variable I retreve for added date is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS

I have checked this out by echoing it.

Lines 163
$AddDate = $row['AddDate'];
//echo $AddDate; /* 2022-12-20 14:17:00 */

However when I use it in the tool tip, the HH:MM:SS is missing

Lines 196
<div style="width:150px;height:4px;padding:10px;text-align:right;float:left;text-color:green;clear:both;">
<a href="StatementEntry.php?ID=<?=$ID?>" title=<?=$AddDate?>>
<?=$ViewDate?></a></div> /* 2022-12-20 Missing HH:MM:SS*/

Here is the full php code.

// Banking Version 1.0.0   22-07-2015   Desmond O'Toole.
ini_set('display_errors', '1');
$page = "Bank Statement";

  header('Location: index.php');

$Pk = $_SESSION["Pk"];
if(KeyCheckX($Pk)== 0)
  header('Location: index.php');

$EndTime = KeyTestX($Pk, 0);

if(isRoguebot($Browser) == 1)

$_SESSION["K9"] =  isRobot($Browser);

if($_SESSION["current_page"] <> $page && $_SESSION['Event_Log'] == "YES")
   // StoreData($page);
   // mailtoX($page,"Desmonds New Site.",""); 
$_SESSION["current_page"] = $page;

$filename = filename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
//$Update = date("D d-M-Y H:i", filectime($filename));

$qBalance = GetBalance();
$row = mysql_fetch_array($qBalance);
$Date = $row['EntryDate'];
$Value = $row['BalanceValue'];
$stamp =  strtotime($Date);
$StartDate = date('D d-M-Y' ,$stamp);

$stamp = $stamp + (WEEKS * 5) + (DAYS * 1); 
$EndDataDate = date('D d-M-Y' ,$stamp);

//$QueryDate = date('d-M-Y' ,$stamp);
$qGetAllData = GetAllData($Date);

$curValue = $Value;

$Cash = number_format(MonthlyTakings(CASH) , 2, ".", ",");
$Shops = number_format(MonthlyTakings(SHOPS) , 2, ".", ",");
$Online = number_format(MonthlyTakings(ONLINE) , 2, ".", ",");
$Other = number_format(MonthlyTakings(OTHER) , 2, ".", ",");
$Ebay = number_format(MonthlyTakings(EBAY) , 2, ".", ",");
//$Totals = $Cash + $Shops + $Online + $Other;

$Totals =  number_format($Cash + $Shops + $Online + $Other + $Ebay , 2, ".", ",");
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
<title>Bank Home</title>
<META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<META http-equiv="imagetoolbar" CONTENT="no">
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="60">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="stylesheets/Library.css" type="text/css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="stylesheets/LibraryMenu.css" type="text/css">


<div id="PageTitle">
	<img src="images/LibraryBanner.jpg" alt="">


<div id="PageContent">
    <form action="menu.php" method="post">
    <span style="color:blue;"><b>Est: 18-July-2015</b></span>
    <!-- <?=greeting() . "<br>Ends on 1 " . $EndTime?></h3> -->
    <h4><?= "Displayed data up to "  . $EndDataDate?><?="<br>Log on ends on " . $EndTime?>
    <a href="DeleteOldData.php"><span style="color:blue">Clear old data</span></a>
    <br>Last 30 days: 
    <a href="spend.php?ID=0">Total</a> <span style="color:blue;text-decoration:none">&pound;<?=$Totals?> </span>&nbsp; = &nbsp;&nbsp;
    <a href="spend.php?ID=12">Cash</a> <span style="color:blue;text-decoration:none">&pound<?=$Cash?></span>,&nbsp;
    <a href="spend.php?ID=10">Shopping</a> <span style="color:blue;text-decoration:none">&pound<?=$Shops?></span>,&nbsp;
    <a href="spend.php?ID=11">Online</a> <span style="color:blue;text-decoration:none">&pound;<?=$Online?></span>,&nbsp;
    <a href="spend.php?ID=15">Ebay</a> <span style="color:blue;text-decoration:none">&pound;<?=$Ebay?></span>,&nbsp;    
    <a href="spend.php?ID=1">Other</a> <span style="color:blue;text-decoration:none">&pound;<?=$Other?></span>
    <a href="EntryDate.php">Entry Date</a> <span style="color:blue;text-decoration:none"></span>
    <div style="width:850px;padding:0px;float:left;">
        <div style="width:150px;height:10px;padding:10px;float:left;"><b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Date</b>
        <div style="width:70px;height:10px;padding:10px;float:left;"><b>Money In</b>
        <div style="width:70px;height:10px;padding:10px;float:left;"><b>Money Out</b>
         <div style="width:70px;height:10px;padding:10px;float:left;"><b>Balance</b>
       <div style="width:100px;height:10px;padding:10px;float:left;"><b>Reason</b>
        <div style="width:250px;height:10px;padding:10px;float:left;"><b>Comment</b>

        <div style="width:150px;height:4px;padding:10px;text-align:right;float:left;clear:both;"><a style="color:#ae22e2;" href="DataInput.php">* <?=$StartDate?></a>
        <div style="width:70px;height:4px;padding:10px;text-align:right;float:left;">
        <div style="width:70px;height:4px;padding:10px;text-align:right;float:left;">
        <div style="width:70px;height:4px;padding:10px;text-align:right;float:left;">&pound;<?=number_format( $Value,2,'.',',')?>
        <div style="width:100px;height:4px;padding:10px;float:left;">
        <div style="width:250px;height:4px;padding:10px;float:left;">Brought forward
		while($row = mysql_fetch_array($qGetAllData))
			$stamp =  strtotime($row['EntryDate']);
			$ViewDate = date('D d-M-Y' ,$stamp);
			$CurDate = date('D d-M-Y' ,time());

			$input = '&pound;' . $row['Input'];
			if($row['Input'] == '0.00')
				$input = "";

			$out = '&pound;' . $row['Output'];
			if($row['Output'] == '0.00')
				$out = "";
			$reason = GetReasonName($row['Reason']);
			$colorSelect = ColourPicker($row['Reason'],$row['EntryDate']);

			$AddDate = $row['AddDate'];
			//echo $AddDate; /* 2022-12-20 14:17:00 */

			$curValue = $Value + $row['Input'] - $row['Output'];
			//$curValue = RestoreDecimal($curValue);
			$DisplayCurValue = number_format( $curValue,2,'.',',');			
			$Value = $curValue;
			$Comment = $row['Comment'];
			$Comment = str_replace("£","&pound;", $Comment);  //  $Comment, "£", "&pound;"
			//$pos = strpos ($Comment, "pound");
			/*if ($pos != false) 
				echo $Comment;
			$ID = TransposeKey($row['Tag']);
			//$ID = $row['Tag'];
			$x = "";
			//if($CurDate == $ViewDate)
			//   $x = "background-color:#cdcccc;";
			// background-color:#6495ed;
		if($colorSelect == "#777777") {
        <div style="width:150px;height:4px;padding:10px;text-align:right;float:left;text-color:green;clear:both;"><dfn title="Test"></dfn><?=$ViewDate?>
	// ADD TOOL TIP $EntryDate
	} else { ?>        
        <div style="width:150px;height:4px;padding:10px;text-align:right;float:left;text-color:green;clear:both;">
        <a href="StatementEntry.php?ID=<?=$ID?>" title=<?=$AddDate?>>
	<?=$ViewDate?></a></div> /* 2022-12-20 Missing HH:MM:SS*/
	<? } ?>
        <div style="width:70px;height:4px;padding:10px;color:<?=$colorSelect?>;<?=$x?>text-align:right;float:left;"><?=$input?>
        <div style="width:70px;height:4px;padding:10px;color:<?=$colorSelect?>;<?=$x?>text-align:right;float:left;"><?=$out?>
        <div style="width:70px;height:4px;padding:10px;color:<?=$colorSelect?>;<?=$x?>text-align:right;float:left;">&pound;<?=$DisplayCurValue?>
        <div style="width:100px;height:4px;padding:10px;color:<?=$colorSelect?>;<?=$x?>float:left;"><?=$reason?>
        <div style="width:250px;height:4px;padding:10px;color:<?=$colorSelect?>;<?=$x?>float:left;"><?=$Comment?>
        <div style="width:70px;height:1px;padding:10px;float:left;clear:both">&nbsp;</div>
    <div style="width:670px;height:50px;padding:0px;float:left;">
    <input class="MyButton"type="submit" name="direction" value="Main Menu">

Sorry for the amount of code in the last one. I am not a profesional developer, I grew up with ASP and moved over to .NET but I love using PHP as lynux servers are better. Also the code may not be all to your liking. Just have a quick look and see if you can see anything obviouse. I am mainly interested in th DD and the HH:MM data. is it the space that is causing the problem. If so, I need to convert the $AddDate to DD_HH:MM.


Edited by Paul-D
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