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Can anyone help with importing an image?


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$htmlUrl = "https://faberlic.com/index.php?option=com_flform&idform=514";


// Fetch the HTML code

$html = file_get_contents($htmlUrl);

if (!$html) {

die("Failed to fetch HTML code from $htmlUrl");



// Extract the image information

if (!preg_match('/<img data-type="lang" class="og-image" id="registration-img" style="max-width: 100%;\s*text-align: center; display: none;" src="(.*\.jpg\?v=.*?)" alt="Registration" \/>/', $html, $matches)) {

die("Failed to extract image URL from HTML code");


$imageUrl = $matches[1];


// Fetch the image and save it to a temporary file

$tempImage = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), "image");

$imageData = file_get_contents($imageUrl);

if (!$imageData) {

die("Failed to fetch image data from $imageUrl");


file_put_contents($tempImage, $imageData);


// Display the image

if (!is_file($tempImage)) {

die("Failed to create temporary image file");


header("Content-Type: image/jpeg");



// Delete the temporary file




may have misdescribed preg_match. i am noob in php.

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Can anyone help with importing an image?

Meaning what? Giving us a single sentence of description and dumping a bunch of code doesn't go very far towards persuading us to help with a problem. Including an actual description, like of what you want to do and what you tried and how it seems to be (not) working, does help.

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I would be very surprised if you can do a file_get_contents on a url.  The url suggests that a script has to run and the file_get_contents expects a set of data at the ready, which it will not be.

And just what do you mean by "import"?  Are you meaning "download"?

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