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Nexus Beta Testing

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Hi All,


It's been a while since I've been on any phpfreaks forum so please forgive if i misunderstand the purpose of this particular board, but I've been developing a script called Nexus for some time now and it's approaching what I hope to be a relatively stable state.  If anyone who can give it a good run-through, it would be very much appreciated:




It's a file management application somewhat in the vain of box.net or any other of the many, many hosted solutions.  But it's meant more for LAN environments or any other private hosting environment.


Thank you very much,


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There is Cross Site Scripting if your username contains ">code.


Full Path Disclosure:

Warning: parse_url() [function.parse-url]: Unable to parse URL in /home/iwonderd/public_html/nexus/demo/include/iwonder/lib/xajax/xajax.inc.php on line 873


Includes Directory:



Includes Directory:



SQL Injection:

http://www.iwonderdesigns.com/nexus/demo/index.php?a=view_doc&id=6 AND 1=1

http://www.iwonderdesigns.com/nexus/demo/index.php?a=view_doc&id=6 AND 1=2


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