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How to check if the form is posted from my server not other place?


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I wouldn't rely on http_referrer to tell you if the form is being submitted from your own website. Firstly, some browsers can be configured not to send referring information. Some firewalls also do the same. You will therefore be blocking some legitimate users. And second, headers can be faked.


If, as im guessing that you're wanting to secure your form input in this way, then dont. You'll need to check all of your form data to make sure its valid.

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I completly agree with GingerRobot, headers can be faked - infact it screwed over phpBB for a while until they patched it. HTTP_REFERER is not a reliable means of protecting your data.


This way also is a bit insecure, but it may suit your purposes. Do a session variable to store the data like so:




$_SESSION['current_domain'] = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];



Then on your data processing page:



$myDomain = "noodles.com";

if( $_SESSION['current_domain'] != $myDomain ){
    die( "Nice try bub" );




That way you have the added security of a purely session wide variable which does not cross-domains

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A good practice is to always use mysql_real_escape_string....Something such as this is generally enough.


$variable = mysql_real_escape_string($variable);


You could also do a few other things such as truncate the string after it reaches a certain length. This can help prevent people from inserting extremely long strings into your input that can cause problems (just because you set a maxlength variable on your form doesn't mean it has to be obeyed.)


Something like this works...Where as 'LENGTH' is the number of characters you want the string to be limited to and the rest dropped.


$variable = mb_strcut($variable, 0, LENGTH);


If your input is always a positive number the best way to prevent any SQL -injection is to do something like:


$variable = round(abs(mb_strcut($variable, 0, LENGTH)), DECIMALS);


If your input is not always a positive number you can do this and it is just as effective.


$variable = round(mb_strcut($variable, 0, LENGTH), DECIMALS);


If your input always consists of only letters you can do this to strip anything else out:


$variable =  mb_strcut(preg_replace('|[^A-z]|', '', $variable), 0, LENGTH);

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