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Confirmation page with Multidimensional array values


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I was hoping someone could help a newbie with a script I'm trying to write. I have an HTML form that uses a multidimensional array to generate a select box. The array is as follows:

$Shirts = array
"Cotton T-shirt" => "7.00",
"Cotton Long Sleeve T-shirt" => "8.00"


At the drop down box, I use the following to populate all the items:

echo '<SELECT name=Shirt1Type>
												<option selected value="">--------------Shirt Type--------------</option>';
												foreach ($Shirts as $Shirt_Type => $Shirt_Price)
													echo '<OPTION value='.$Shirt_Type.'>'.$Shirt_Type.'</option>'; 
										echo '</select>';


This all works fine. However, on my confirmation page, I want to be able to write the $Shirt_Price variable and I can't seem to figure it out. All of my other variables are retrieved when using $_POST[''], but it's a little more tricky when the value is in an array.


My ultimate goal is to be able to print 7.00 if Cotton T-shirt was selected, 8.00 if Cotton Long Sleeve T-shirt was selected, etc.



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Your New select box:

echo '<SELECT name=Shirt1Type>
<option selected value="">--------------Shirt Type--------------</option>';
foreach ($Shirts as $Shirt_Type => $Shirt_Price)
	echo '<OPTION value='.$Shirt_Type.'_'.$Shirt_Price.'>'.$Shirt_Type.'</option>'; 
echo '</select>';


The processing page:

list($sType,$sPrice) = explode("_",$_POST['shirt1Type']);
echo 'Choosen Shirt: '.$sType.'<br>';
echo 'Shirt Price: '.$sPrice;

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echo '<SELECT name=Shirt1Type>

<option selected value="">--------------Shirt Type--------------</option>';

foreach ($Shirts as $Shirt_Type => $Shirt_Price)


echo '<OPTION value='.$Shirt_Price.'>'.$Shirt_Type.'</option>';


echo '</select>';


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$Shirts = array
    "Cotton T-shirt" => "7.00",
    "Cotton Long Sleeve T-shirt" => "8.00"
* process submitted data
if (isset($_POST['sub']))
    $shirt = $_POST['ShirtType'] ;
    echo "Type : $shirt, Price: $Shirts[$shirt]";

* the form
echo '<form method="post">';
echo '<SELECT name="ShirtType">
	<option selected value="">--------------Shirt Type--------------</option>';
	foreach ($Shirts as $Shirt_Type => $Shirt_Price)
		echo '<OPTION value="'.$Shirt_Type.'">'.$Shirt_Type.'</option>'; 
echo '</select>';
echo '<input type="submit" name="sub" value="Submit">';
echo '</form>';

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Little Guy, your edits did the trick. May I ask you to elaborate a little bit on how this works, as I'd like to learn the best I can. Specifically, this line:


list($sType,$sPrice) = explode("_",$_POST['shirt1Type']);



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let me share my thoughts


list($sType,$sPrice) = explode("_",$_POST['shirt1Type']);

list===Assign variables as if they were an array

$sType,$sPrice== container of the contents of the array this is where the values are being pass


==converted into an array in which the $sType,$sPrice get their values


hope that makes a little sense

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