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Populating data base /previewing entered data


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I am having problems previewing. I get the preview page and can come back and edit but [b]sometimes[/b] I get 1-40 of the same exact ad. in the data base there is two columns handling this previewitem and item. when you preview it should dump the previewitem table when returning right? It's as if you go back and forth it is creating the same ad. Again it doesn't fail every time. I am confused!!!!


//BindEvents Method @1-A2F23582
function BindEvents()
    global $items;
    $items->CCSEvents["OnValidate"] = "items_OnValidate";
    global $items;
    $items->CCSEvents["AfterInsert"] = "items_AfterInsert";
    global $CCSEvents;
    $CCSEvents["BeforeShow"] = "Page_BeforeShow";
//End BindEvents Method

function items_OnValidate() { //items_OnValidate @4-84873489

//Custom Code @33-2A29BDB7
//Validate Minimum Length @37-9F31AFB8
    global $items;
    if (strlen($items->title->GetValue()) < 3)
        $items->title->Errors->addError("Your title must be atleast 3 characters long");
//End Validate Minimum Length

//Validate Minimum Value @38-5DC7FCB3
    global $items;
    if (($items->category->GetValue() == 1) || ($items->category->GetValue() < 1) || ($items->category->GetValue() == ""))
        $items->category->Errors->addError("Invalid category selection");
//End Validate Minimum Value

//Validate Minimum Value @39-62603E15
//End Validate Minimum Value

//Validate Minimum Value @40-76EFD938
    global $items;
    if (($items->image_one->GetValue() == "") && ($items->image_preview->GetValue() == 1))
        $items->image_preview->Errors->addError("The image preview feature may only be used if an image is loaded into the first slot");
    if ($items->description->GetValue() == "")
         $items->description->Errors->addError("Your description cannot be empty");
    if ($items->asking_price->GetValue() < 0)
         $items->asking_price->Errors->addError("You have not specified a valid asking price. For no price, enter a 0. You inputed " . $items->asking_price->GetValue() . " in the field.");
    if (($items->image_one->GetValue() == "") && ($items->gallery_featured->GetValue() == 1))

        $items->gallery_featured->Errors->addError("The Gallery feature may only be used if an image is loaded into the first slot");
//End Validate Minimum Value

//Custom Code @69-2A29BDB7
global $items;
    if (($items->image_one->GetValue() == "") && ($items->slide_show->GetValue() == 1))
        $items->slide_show->Errors->addError("The slide show feature may only be used if an image is loaded into the first slot");

//End Custom Code
//End Custom Code

} //Close items_OnValidate @4-FCB6E20C

function items_AfterInsert() { //items_AfterInsert @4-9CB79601

//Custom Code @34-2A29BDB7
global $finalItemNum;

//End Custom Code

} //Close items_AfterInsert @4-FCB6E20C

function Page_BeforeShow() { //Page_BeforeShow @1-66DC429C

//Custom Code @32-2A29BDB7
    global $Tpl;

    $finalcat = CCGetFromGet("finalcat","");
    $ItemNum = CCGetFromGet("Item_Number","");
    if (CCGetSession("RecentPreviewItem"))
          $ItemNum = CCGetSession("RecentPreviewItem");
    $cats = "(";
    $db = new clsDBNetConnect;
    $query = "select * from categories where cat_id='" . $finalcat . "'";
    $cats .= "cat_id=" . $db->f("cat_id");

    if ($db->f("sub_cat_id")>0){
        $cats .= " or ";
        $sub = $db->f("sub_cat_id");
        $query = "select * from categories where cat_id=$sub";
        $cats .= "cat_id=" . $db->f("cat_id");
        if ($db->f("sub_cat_id")>0){
            $cats .= " or ";
            $sub = $db->f("sub_cat_id");
            $query = "select * from categories where cat_id=$sub";
            $cats .= "cat_id=" . $db->f("cat_id");
            if ($db->f("sub_cat_id")>0){
                $cats .= " or ";
                $sub = $db->f("sub_cat_id");
                $query = "select * from categories where cat_id=$sub";
                $cats .= "cat_id=" . $db->f("cat_id");
                if ($db->f("sub_cat_id")>0){
                    $cats .= " or ";
                    $sub = $db->f("sub_cat_id");
                    $query = "select * from categories where cat_id=$sub";
                    $cats .= "cat_id=" . $db->f("cat_id");
                    if ($db->f("sub_cat_id")>0){
                        $cats .= " or ";
                        $sub = $db->f("sub_cat_id");
                        $query = "select * from categories where cat_id=$sub";
                        $cats .= "cat_id=" . $db->f("cat_id");
                        if ($db->f("sub_cat_id")>0){
                            $cats .= " or ";
                            $sub = $db->f("sub_cat_id");
                            $query = "select * from categories where cat_id=$sub";
                            $cats .= "cat_id=" . $db->f("cat_id");
                        } else{
                            $cats .= ")";
                    } else{
                        $cats .= ")";
                } else{
                    $cats .= ")";
            } else{
                $cats .= ")";
        } else{
            $cats .= ")";
    } else{
        $cats .= ")";

        $Tpl->SetBlockVar("Custom_TextArea", "");
        $custtxt = new clsDBNetConnect;
        $query = "select * from custom_textarea where $cats";
        if ($custtxt->next_record()){
            $queryfields = "(";
            $count = 0;

            while ($custtxt->next_record()){
                If ($count > 0)
                    $queryfields .= " or ";
                $queryfields .= "field_id='" . $custtxt->f("id") . "'";
                $textvar[$custtxt->f("id")] = $custtxt->f("template_var");
                $textdesc[$custtxt->f("id")] = $custtxt->f("description");
                 $textname[$custtxt->f("id")] = $custtxt->f("name");
            $queryfields .= ") and";
            if (!$_POST["closes"] && $_GET["Item_Number"]){
                $custtxtvalues = new clsDBNetConnect;
                $query = "select * from custom_textarea_values where $queryfields ItemNum=" . $ItemNum;
                while ($custtxtvalues->next_record()){
                    $fieldvalues[$custtxtvalues->f("field_id")] = $custtxtvalues->f("value");
            if ($_POST && !$_GET["Item_Number"]){
                while ($custtxt->next_record()){
                    $fieldvalues[$custtxt->f("id")] = $_POST["custtxt_area::" . $textvar[$custtxt->f("id")] . "::" . $custtxt->f("id")];

            while ($custtxt->next_record()){

                $Tpl->SetVar("ta_name", multiline($textname[$custtxt->f("id")]));
                $Tpl->SetVar("ta_description", multiline($textdesc[$custtxt->f("id")]));
                $Tpl->SetVar("ta_var", "custtxt_area::" . $textvar[$custtxt->f("id")] . "::" . $custtxt->f("id"));
                $Tpl->SetVar("ta_value", stripslashes($fieldvalues[$custtxt->f("id")]));
                $Tpl->SetVar("ta_name_" . $custtxt->f("id"), multiline($textname[$custtxt->f("id")]));
                $Tpl->SetVar("ta_description_" . $custtxt->f("id"), multiline($textdesc[$custtxt->f("id")]));
                $Tpl->SetVar("ta_var_" . $custtxt->f("id"), "custtxt_area::" . $textvar[$custtxt->f("id")] . "::" . $custtxt->f("id"));
                $Tpl->SetVar("ta_value_" . $custtxt->f("id"), stripslashes($fieldvalues[$custtxt->f("id")]));
            $Tpl->Parse("Custom_TextArea", True);

        //Custom TextBox

        $txtvar = "";
        $txtdesc = "";
        $txtname = "";
        $custtxtvalues = "";
        $custtxt = "";
        $fieldvalues = "";
        $Tpl->SetBlockVar("Custom_TextBox", "");
        $custtxt = new clsDBNetConnect;
        $query = "select * from custom_textbox where $cats";
        if ($custtxt->next_record()){
            $queryfields = "(";
            $count = 0;

            while ($custtxt->next_record()){
                If ($count > 0)
                    $queryfields .= " or ";
                $queryfields .= "field_id='" . $custtxt->f("id") . "'";
                $textvar[$custtxt->f("id")] = $custtxt->f("template_var");
                 $textdesc[$custtxt->f("id")] = $custtxt->f("description");
                 $textname[$custtxt->f("id")] = $custtxt->f("name");
            $queryfields .= ") and";
            if ($_GET["Item_Number"] && !$_POST["closes"]){
                $custtxtvalues = new clsDBNetConnect;
                $query = "select * from custom_textbox_values where $queryfields ItemNum=" . $ItemNum;
                while ($custtxtvalues->next_record()){
                    $fieldvalues[$custtxtvalues->f("field_id")] = $custtxtvalues->f("value");

            if ($_POST && !$_GET["Item_Number"]){
                while ($custtxt->next_record()){
                    $fieldvalues[$custtxt->f("id")] = $_POST["custtxt_box::" . $textvar[$custtxt->f("id")] . "::" . $custtxt->f("id")];

            while ($custtxt->next_record()){
                $Tpl->SetVar("tb_name", multiline($textname[$custtxt->f("id")]));
                $Tpl->SetVar("tb_description", multiline($textdesc[$custtxt->f("id")]));
                $Tpl->SetVar("tb_value", stripslashes($fieldvalues[$custtxt->f("id")]));
                $Tpl->SetVar("tb_var", "custtxt_box::" . $textvar[$custtxt->f("id")] . "::" . $custtxt->f("id"));
                $Tpl->SetVar("tb_name_" . $custtxt->f("id"), multiline($textname[$custtxt->f("id")]));
                $Tpl->SetVar("tb_description_" . $custtxt->f("id"), multiline($textdesc[$custtxt->f("id")]));
                $Tpl->SetVar("tb_value_" . $custtxt->f("id"), stripslashes($fieldvalues[$custtxt->f("id")]));
                $Tpl->SetVar("tb_var_" . $custtxt->f("id"), "custtxt_box::" . $textvar[$custtxt->f("id")] . "::" . $custtxt->f("id"));
            $Tpl->Parse("Custom_TextBox", True);
        //Custom DropDown Fields

        $txtvar = "";
        $txtdesc = "";
        $txtname = "";
        $custtxtvalues = "";
        $custtxt = "";
        $fieldvalues = "";
        $optionlist = "";
        $checked = "";
        $selected = "";
        $Tpl->SetBlockVar("Custom_DropDown", "");
        $custtxt = new clsDBNetConnect;
        $custoptions = new clsDBNetConnect;
        $query = "select * from custom_dropdown where $cats";
        if ($custtxt->next_record()){
            $queryfields = "(";
            $count = 0;

            while ($custtxt->next_record()){
                If ($count > 0)
                    $queryfields .= " or ";
                $query = "select * from custom_dropdown_options where field_id = '" . $custtxt->f("id") . "'";
                if ($_GET["Item_Number"] && !$_POST["custddbox::" . $custtxt->f("template_var") . "::" . $custtxt->f("id")]){
                    $dvalue = new clsDBNetConnect;
                    $query = "select * from custom_dropdown_values where ItemNum = $ItemNum and field_id = " . $custtxt->f("id");
                    if ($dvalue->next_record()){
                        $selected[$custtxt->f("id")] = $dvalue->f("option_id");
                    else {
                        $selected[$custtxt->f("id")] = "default";
                elseif($_POST["custddbox::" . $custtxt->f("template_var") . "::" . $custtxt->f("id")]) {
                    $selected[$custtxt->f("id")] = $_POST["custddbox::" . $custtxt->f("template_var") . "::" . $custtxt->f("id")];
                while ($custoptions->next_record()){
                    $checked = "";
                    if ((!$_GET["Item_Number"] && !$_POST["custddbox::" . $custtxt->f("template_var") . "::" . $custtxt->f("id")] && $custoptions->f("default") == 1) || ($custoptions->f("default") == 1 && $selected[$custtxt->f("id")] == "default")) {
                        $checked = " selected ";
                    elseif ($custoptions->f("id") == $selected[$custtxt->f("id")]){
                        $checked = " selected ";
                        $checked = "";
                    $optionlist[$custtxt->f("id")][] = "<option value=\"" . $custoptions->f("id") . "\"$checked>" . $custoptions->f("option") . "</option>\n";
                $queryfields .= "field_id='" . $custtxt->f("id") . "'";
                $textvar[$custtxt->f("id")] = $custtxt->f("template_var");
                 $textdesc[$custtxt->f("id")] = $custtxt->f("description");
                 $textname[$custtxt->f("id")] = $custtxt->f("name");

            $count = 0;
            while ($custtxt->next_record()){
                $i = 0;
                $builtoptions = "";
                while ($optionlist[$custtxt->f("id")][$i]){
                    $builtoptions .= $optionlist[$custtxt->f("id")][$i];

                $Tpl->SetVar("dd_name", multiline($textname[$custtxt->f("id")]));
                $Tpl->SetVar("dd_description", multiline($textdesc[$custtxt->f("id")]));
                $Tpl->SetVar("dd_var", "custddbox::" . $textvar[$custtxt->f("id")] . "::" . $custtxt->f("id"));
                $Tpl->SetVar("dropdown_Options", $builtoptions);
                $Tpl->SetVar("dd_name_" . $custtxt->f("id"), multiline($textname[$custtxt->f("id")]));
                $Tpl->SetVar("dd_description_" . $custtxt->f("id"), multiline($textdesc[$custtxt->f("id")]));
                $Tpl->SetVar("dd_var_" . $custtxt->f("id"), "custddbox::" . $textvar[$custtxt->f("id")] . "::" . $custtxt->f("id"));
                $Tpl->SetVar("dropdown_Options_" . $custtxt->f("id"), $builtoptions);
                $Tpl->Parse("dd_Row", True);

            $Tpl->Parse("Custom_DropDown", True);
        //End Custom Vars/////////////////
global $regcharges;
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM categories WHERE sub_cat_id > '0' ORDER BY weight, name";
        $db = new clsDBNetConnect();
                $catid = $db->f(0);
                $subid = $db->f(1);
                $name = $db->f(2);
                if($subid == 1)
                        $inis .= "<OPTION value=\"" . $catid . "\">" . $name . "</OPTION>";
                $dsper .= "catlist[" . $catid . "] = new Array(" . $subid . " , \"" . $name . "\");\r\n";
        $closestCat = getparents($_GET["finalcat"]);
        if (!$closestCat)
            $closestCat = 1;
      $db2 = new clsDBNetConnect;
      $db2->query("SELECT * FROM lookup_listing_dates WHERE charge_for='1' and cat_id=$closestCat");
      $dayfees = "";
          $dayfees = $dayfees . $db2->f("days") . " Days - <font color='red'>" . $regcharges["currency"] . $db2->f("fee") . "</font><br>";
        $Tpl->SetVar("cats", $dsper);
        $Tpl->SetVar("catbuild", $inis);
      $Tpl->SetVar("dayfees", $dayfees);
//End Custom Code

} //Close Page_BeforeShow @1-FCB6E20C
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