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[SOLVED] php changed form action="" content when it is not suppose to???


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function showEntry()
$form = new forms; // create an instance of selected class
<form method="post" action="<?php $form->formSwitch(); ?>" onsubmit="validator()">


after I press submit, php changes the form tag to:


<form method="post" action="1 record added to Entry 1 record added" onsubmit="validator()">


forms.php only echoes the status of submission, if the form was submitted or not, but instead of echo in the the body of html content it echoes inside action="" attribute. Also is there anyway to change so that I could use forms.php instead of $form->formSwitch(); in action attribute, because forms.php is a class it doesnt let just pass $_POST variables. Also right now my index.php that contains a form, upon submission reloads the form, is there anyway I can change it so it would load a blank page that would display the status of submission?


here is the code in forms.php

class forms
	var $script;
//temporary variables to use with forms
	var $js_script;
	var $css_script;
	var $body_onload_content;
	var $body_content;

function forms()

	include_once 'fusion.php';
    	$this->fusion = new fusion;

function formSwitch()
		//when form is being submitted, the following verifyies which form then loads appropriate methods.
		else if($_POST['formEntry_submit'])
		else if($_POST['form_person_submit'])

		else if($_POST['form_category_submit'])

		else if($_POST['form_link_submit'])
		else if($_POST['form_feed_edit'])
			echo "nothing";

//sets variable data that will be later used in the forms
function setFormData($formName)
	include $formName . '.php';
	include '../scripts/' . $formName . '_js_script.php';
	$this->js_script = 'show' . $formName . 'JS';
	$this->body_onload_content = "onload='loader();'";
	$this->body_content = 'show'.$formName; 

//outputs data that is suppose to be in header tag
function outputHeaderData()
	echo "<script type='text/javascript'>";
	echo "\n";
	$x = $this->js_script;	
	echo "</script>";
	echo "\n";	

//output data inside body tag
function ouputBodyAttributeData()
	echo $this->body_onload_content;

//writes form data to html file for the requested form
function outputForm()
	$x = $this->body_content;

//prints the data from category table with check boxes

function printCategoryBoxes()
	$category = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM category") OR die(mysql_error());
	while($cat = mysql_fetch_array($category))
		echo "<label><input type='checkbox' name='cat_id[]' value='".$cat['cat_id']."'/>".$cat['c_label']."</label>";

//return uuid to the user
function getUUID()
	echo 'URN:UUID:' . strtoupper($this->fusion->getUUID());

function formEntry_submit()

	$search = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM entry ORDER BY entry_id DESC");
	//get the next free entry spot
	$last = mysql_fetch_array($search);
	$newEntryNumber = $last['entry_id']+1;

	//set date to proper format
	$date = $_POST['published_yyyy']."-".$_POST['published_mo']."-".$_POST['published_dd']."T".

	//insert into table entry

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I tryed to file path


<form method="post" action="forms.php" onsubmit="validator()">


I get a blank page when I submit a form. forms.php a class and doesnt want to accept $_POST variables, unless I do $form->formSwitch(); if I knew how to go around it. Also does php has a function to stop what ever it is doing including stopping the page load, etc...


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I think you are going about this the wrong way.


the action attribute basically tells your scrpt where to send the data to. You need a post/get processing page and in that page you call the $form->formSwitch(); method to handle the post results. Understand?



class forms{


//do stuff with post vars




$form = new forms();


//end forms.php

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