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  1. well i have created one table that contains my users info. password, email, info, etc. my other table i want to create will contain the user\'s favorite something. they can enter up to 5 items or so. i was told that i should make this favorites a new table that way if i wanted to search for relationships like the number one listed item, it would be easier. so is this a good way to organize the site? and how would i get these 2 tables to correspond since each user row will need a row in this 2nd table.
  2. i did a query but then i got this error::: Error SQL-query : CREATE TABLE news{id int( 10 ) NOT NULL auto_increment, title varchar( 100 ) NOT NULL , text text NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY ( id ) } MySQL said: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near \'{id int( 10 ) NOT NULL auto_increment, title varchar( 100 ) Back i coppied the query directly from one of the phpfreaks tutorials. please help
  3. i\'ve been looking at the functions of rand() and srand(), and im not fully getting it. i would like to do something that will pick a random .php file from a folder. does ne one know of a tutorial that would be useful to me? or just post it here. thanks tylor
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