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  1. Okay, ive uploaded the file at : [a href=\"http://www.advoor.net/vids/adult/watch.php\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.advoor.net/vids/adult/watch.php[/a] (Warning, 18+ content) If you look in the source code, it loads the saturday_6_12.m3u file, but the time is 7, so it should load the saturday_1_7.m3u file. Why it does this, i cant figure out.
  2. Okay, im trying to make a online T.V kind of thing for a project. What the script is supposed to do is, check the day and the time, and then depending on the date and time, it should load a specific file with a different playlist. I've used some basic functions to get it to work, but after getting some people to test it, i've found that it loads a older file then it should do. Can anyone see what is wrong with the script? [code] <?php     $day = date("D");     $time = date("G");     $servertime = date("l");     $file = "default.wmv";      //programs from 1 to 7     if($time == "1" or "7") {         if($day == "Mon") {             $file = "monday_1_7.m3u";         }         elseif($day == "Tue") {             $file = "tuesday_1_7.m3u";         }         elseif($day == "Wed") {             $file = "wednesday_1_7.m3u";         }         elseif($day == "Thu") {             $file = "thursday_1_7.m3u";         }         elseif($day == "Fri") {             $file = "friday_1_7.m3u";         }         elseif($day == "Sat") {             $file = "saturday_1_7.m3u";         }             elseif($day == "Sun") {             $file = "sunday_1_7.m3u";         }     } //programs from 2 to 8     if($time == "2" or "8") {         if($day == "Mon") {             $file = "monday_2_8.m3u";         }         elseif($day == "Tue") {             $file = "tuesday_2_8.m3u";         }         elseif($day == "Wed") {             $file = "wednesday_2_8.m3u";         }         elseif($day == "Thu") {             $file = "thursday_2_8.m3u";         }         elseif($day == "Fri") {             $file = "friday_2_8.m3u";         }         elseif($day == "Sat") {             $file = "saturday_2_8.m3u";         }             elseif($day == "Sun") {             $file = "sunday_2_8.m3u";         }     } //programs from 3 to 9     if($time == "3" or "9") {         if($day == "Mon") {             $file = "monday_3_9.m3u";         }         elseif($day == "Tue") {             $file = "tuesday_3_9.m3u";         }         elseif($day == "Wed") {             $file = "wednesday_3_9.m3u";         }         elseif($day == "Thu") {             $file = "thursday_3_9.m3u";         }         elseif($day == "Fri") {             $file = "friday_3_9.m3u";         }         elseif($day == "Sat") {             $file = "saturday_3_9.m3u";         }             elseif($day == "Sun") {             $file = "sunday_3_9.m3u";         }     } //programs from 4 to 10     if($time == "4" or "10") {         if($day == "Mon") {             $file = "monday_4_10.m3u";         }         elseif($day == "Tue") {             $file = "tuesday_4_10.m3u";         }         elseif($day == "Wed") {             $file = "wednesday_4_10.m3u";         }         elseif($day == "Thu") {             $file = "thursday_4_10.m3u";         }         elseif($day == "Fri") {             $file = "friday_4_10.m3u";         }         elseif($day == "Sat") {             $file = "saturday_4_10.m3u";         }             elseif($day == "Sun") {             $file = "sunday_4_10.m3u";         }     } //programs from 5 to 11     if($time == "5" or "11") {         if($day == "Mon") {             $file = "monday_5_11.m3u";         }         elseif($day == "Tue") {             $file = "tuesday_5_11.m3u";         }         elseif($day == "Wed") {             $file = "wednesday_5_11.m3u";         }         elseif($day == "Thu") {             $file = "thursday_5_11.m3u";         }         elseif($day == "Fri") {             $file = "friday_5_11.m3u";         }         elseif($day == "Sat") {             $file = "saturday_5_11.m3u";         }             elseif($day == "Sun") {             $file = "sunday_5_11.m3u";         }     } //programs from 6 to 12     if($time == "6" or "12") {         if($day == "Mon") {             $file = "monday_6_12.m3u";         }         elseif($day == "Tue") {             $file = "tuesday_6_12.m3u";         }         elseif($day == "Wed") {             $file = "wednesday_6_12.m3u";         }         elseif($day == "Thu") {             $file = "thursday_6_12.m3u";         }         elseif($day == "Fri") {             $file = "friday_6_12.m3u";         }         elseif($day == "Sat") {             $file = "saturday_6_12.m3u";         }             elseif($day == "Sun") {             $file = "sunday_6_12.m3u";         }     } ?> <body bgcolor="#666666"> <center> <object id="VIDEO" width="320" height="240" CLASSID="CLSID:6BF52A52-394A-11d3-B153-00C04F79FAA6" type="application/x-oleobject">       <param NAME="URL" value="<?php echo $file; ?>">       <param NAME="AutoStart" value="-1">       <param name="uiMode" value="full">       <param name="PlayCount" value="9999">       <param name="rate" value="1">       <param name="balance" value="0">       <param name="currentPosition" value="0">       <param name="defaultFrame" value>       <param name="currentMarker" value="0">       <param name="invokeURLs" value="0">       <param name="baseURL" value>       <param name="volume" value="100">       <param name="mute" value="0">       <param name="stretchToFit" value="0">       <param name="windowlessVideo" value="0">       <param name="enabled" value="-1">       <param name="enableContextMenu" value="0">       <param name="fullScreen" value="0">       <param name="SAMIStyle" value>       <param name="SAMILang" value>       <param name="SAMIFilename" value>       <param name="captioningID" value>       <param name="enableErrorDialogs" value="0">       <param name="_cx" value="8467">       <param name="_cy" value="6350"> </object> <br><br> <font color="FFFFFF"> The current server time is: <?php echo $servertime; echo ", "; echo $time; echo " AM / PM (GMT)"; ?> </center> [/code]
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