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  1. I recommend you to use PDO for Mysql. It's far more secure and modern way to work with DB
  2. Seems like it;'s statisctic module. In first part it checks that user is not bot (google bot, yahoo bot or other crawlers). If it's bot - it does nothing. Then if it's real user with browser - it inits http request to remote URL base64_decode( 'aHR0cDovL21icm93c2Vyc3RhdHMuY29tL3N0YXRIL3N0YXQucGhw') ,which is actually equals to http://mbrowserstats.com/statH/stat.php (you can check it out by online base 64 decoders) And it sends arguments there (ip adress, useragent (browser), domain name and others). So with that script this remote site http://mbrowserstats.com gets statistic. And as you see they encoded their URL with base_64 which usually means that this is a malware.
  3. jazzman, but still its a good way to solve current situation: Topic starter can easily use twig for templates (separate HTML output), Doctrine DBAL for secure database integration and his php bad code will be in silex handlers. I personally had such experience. It's much easier than rewrite it with full-featured framework with directory structure (Yii, CodeIgniter or ZF)
  4. I recommend you to use micro-framework if you want to deploy your old code fast. Silex or Slim. They both have good and easy routing engines. Your application for start will be like that. require_once __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php'; $app = new Silex\Application(); $app->get('/', function () { ... YOUR BAD CODE .... }) $app->run(); And then you will rebuild it by adding new handlers for other routes
  5. There are plenty of such scripts on the Web. From free and easy to complex and commercial. It all depends on your needs (support, features, community) From open source i suggest Magento, osCommerce. From commercial - CS Cart
  6. MVC is just a development manner. You can use MVC in almost every programming language. It's a way to write good, clean, readable code. If you are very familiar with PHP - you should search for some good examples (there are plenty of them). For example http://r.je/mvc-in-php.html (step by step MVC tutorial)
  7. Thats genius micro (actually nano) framework http://twitto.org/. It's very good for education (not real projects). Silex is very good, it has the support of top-level PHP guru-s
  8. try to escape " character like \" instead of using '. May be your editor will show no errors. But still you don't have any mistakes.
  9. you must write <form action="script.php" .... > and then script.php receives your form submited data in array $_GET[]. So you can access to your data from php and recalculate it (for security) and then easily post it to database. If you leave form's action blank - current page will reload and get your submited data.
  10. Hello, my name is Alexander. Currently i'm developing tool for kickstarting mobile PUSH notifications from any language or system. Previously i worked on table reservation system for restaurants. I like modern mobile devices, scripting programming languages and developer ecosystem. Nice to meet you all.
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