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  1. sorry file a bit too large, here is some part: Account Number,Name,Company,Street,City,State,Zip,Email,Birth Date,Favorites,Standard Payment,Latest Payment,Balance 01-000667,George P Schell,Market Place Products,334 Hilltop Dr,Mentor,OH,44060-1930,warmst864@aol.com,2/28/71,XA|MA,101,100,15.89 01-000667,George P Schell,Market Place Products,334 Hilltop Dr,Mentor,OH,44060-1930,warmst864@aol.com,2/28/71,XA|MA,101,100,15.89 01-002423,Marc S Brittan,Madson & Huth Communication Co,"5653 S Blackstone Avenue, #3E",Chicago,IL,60637-4596,mapper@tcent.net,6/30/75,BA|MA|RA,144,144,449.92 Not too readable.
  2. Account Number Name Company Street City State Zip Email Birth Date Favorites Standard Payment Latest Payment Balance I am getting values from Favorites column, which contains ' | ' delimited fields, like those in example above.
  3. This works as it is. When I try to modify it however with another input file: $outputFile = 'test.'.txt'; $outputHandle = fopen($outputFile, 'w'); $inputfile = 'data.csv'; $inputHandle = fopen($inputfile, "r"); $favorites = array(); while(($data = fgetcsv($inputHandle, 1024) !== false)) { $favorites[] = $data[9]; } foreach ($data as $line) { $favorites = array_merge($favorites, explode('|', $line)); } $favorites = array_map('trim', $favorites); $counts = array_count_values($favorites); arsort($counts); I get: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() I obviously broke it somewhere, but $favorites is an array
  4. A question: You use callback function 'trim' there? Where is that function?
  5. If I run it, like this: $inputfile = 'count.csv'; $inputHandle = fopen($inputfile, "r"); while(($data = fgetcsv($inputHandle, 1024)) !== false) { $teams = explode("|", $data[0]); foreach($teams as $t) { if(isset($teamTotal[$t])) { $teamTotal[$t]++; } else { $teamTotal[$t] = 1; } } arsort($teamTotal); } print("<pre>".print_r($teamTotal, true)."</pre>"); I get: Array ( ['Red'] => 5 [ Yellow'] => 2 ['Yellow ] => 2 ['Green'] => 2 [ Red'] => 1 ['Yellow'] => 1 [ Green ] => 1 ['Green ] => 1 [ Red ] => 1 [Teams] => 1 [ Yellow ] => 1 ) output. Is it possible to know total of Red's. Green's and Yellow's ?
  6. $state = $dataRow[5]; $balance = $dataRow[12]; if (!isset($sumArray[$state])) { $sumArray[$state] = 0; } $sumArray[$state] += $balance; // add balance for state was solution
  7. I could do like this: $inputfile = 'input.csv'; $inputHandle = fopen($inputfile, "r"); $output = array(); while (($data = fgetcsv($inputHandle, 1024, ",")) !== FALSE){ unset($data[0],$data[1],$data[2], $data[3], $data[4], $data[6], $data[7], $data[8], $data[9], $data[10], $data[11] ); // remove redundant fields $data = array_values($data); // restore keys } foreach($data as $key => $line) { list($state, $balance) = $line; $state = trim($state); $balance = trim($balance); $output[$state] += (int)$balance; //file_put_contents('summary.txt', var_export($output, TRUE)); } file_put_contents('summary.txt', var_export($output, TRUE)); but i get Invalid argument supplied for foreach() for some reason
  8. Sure, This is one field with many rows. Each row has name/names of the team(s). Delimited with ' | '. The challenge is to count top 5 . And number of times they appear. Since there may be multiple teams in a cell, it makes it difficult to use array_count_values() Being a noob, and not very good at arrays, I' quite lost here...
  9. Hi! I need to count number of occurances of each value in array. Input file(this is one row): Teams Red Green | Red | Yellow Red Yellow | Green | Yellow Red Green Yellow | Yellow | Red Red Green Red Yellow Need to count top 5 most occurring teams. And need to count number of times each of those top 5 values appear. My pathetic attempt: $inputfile = 'count.csv'; $inputHandle = fopen($inputfile, "r"); while (($data = fgetcsv($inputHandle, 1024, ",")) !== FALSE) { $teams = $data[0]; $teams = explode('|', $teams); $count[] = (array_count_values($teams)); } print_r($count); Only prints out the multidimensional array , since I had to use explode with delimiter. But values are not counted. Could someone point me in the right direction? Thanks
  10. There is like 12 rows, should I list each and every one of them, when I need only 2?
  11. Hello, I have a CSV file that looks like this: "Account","State","Zip","Email","Birth Date","Favorites","Balance" with data rows in them. I need to calculate total balances aggregated by state, need to get output in .txt flle like: State, Balance value, value this is how I started : $inputfile = 'input.csv'; $inputHandle = fopen($inputfile, "r"); $output = array(); while (($data = fgetcsv($inputHandle, 1024, ",")) !== FALSE){ foreach($data as $line) { list($state, $balance) = $data; $state = trim($state); $balance = trim($balance); $output[$state] += (int)$balance; file_put_contents('summary.txt', var_export($output, TRUE)); } } I get unidentified inxex errors on $output[$state] += (int)$count; May be i make some mistake in line: list($state, $balance) = $data; Could someone maybe propose a better, more convinient solution here?
  12. ok I saw the error. $headerRow in second part of the loop was not needed. Everything is perfectly formatted! Million Thanks!!! I've learned so much practical stuff with you!
  13. ok if this is what you mean: while (($dataRow = fgetcsv($inputHandle, 1000, ",")) !== FALSE) { if($headerRow == FALSE) { $headerRow = $dataRow; continue; //Start next iteration of the loop } print("<pre>".print_r($headerRow, true)."</pre>"); // now the header row is ok, contains all good fields { //Set flag so additional rows will be processed $headerRow = TRUE; //Modify the name $dataRow[$nameColumn] = formatName($dataRow[$nameColumn]); //Modify the date $dataRow[$BDColumn] = formatDate($dataRow[$BDColumn]); //put modified data in array $tempData[] = $dataRow; } //print("<pre>".print_r($headerRow, true)."</pre>"); // but here output is 1... } at the end it has 1, what would overwrite it?
  14. You mean like this? $inputfile = 'input.csv'; $outputFile = 'output.csv'; $nameColumn = 1; $BDColumn = 8; function formatName($name) { $nameArray = explode(' ', $name); $lastName = array_pop($nameArray); $name = $lastName . (count($nameArray) ? ', ' : '' ) . implode(' ', $nameArray); return $name;; } function formatDate($date) { $timestamp = strtotime($date); //if there is timestamp in a row, do data bd conversion else it is header field if($timestamp) { $date = date('Ymd', $timestamp); } return $date; } $inputHandle = fopen($inputfile, "r"); $outputHandle = fopen($outputFile, 'w'); //Temporary array to hold processed data $tempData = array(); //Flag to not process the header data $headerRow = FALSE; // - setting to false while (($dataRow = fgetcsv($inputHandle, 1000, ",")) !== FALSE) { //Do not process the first row of data if($headerRow == FALSE) { //Set flag so additional rows will be processed $headerRow = $dataRow; // - getting the first raw $dataRow[$nameColumn] = formatName($dataRow[$nameColumn]); $dataRow[$BDColumn] = formatDate($dataRow[$BDColumn]); $tempData[] = $dataRow; } } usort($tempData, 'sortMyArray'); sortMyArray($tempData[$nameColumn], SORT_REGULAR); function sortMyArray($a, $b) { $nameColumn = 1; return strcmp($a[$nameColumn], $b[$nameColumn]); } fputcsv($outputHandle, $headerRow); // header first foreach ($tempData as $dataRow) { fputcsv($outputHandle, $dataRow); } fclose($inputHandle); fclose($outputHandle); I get Undefined offset: 1 on sortMyArray($tempData[$nameColumn], SORT_REGULAR); line What does that mean?
  15. what actually happend is that sort(), moved this header row somewhere to the middle of the CSV file.
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