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  1. well, i really dont have a lot of knowledge in php.. so i think this is the relevant code in the template: <div id="galleryListWrapper"> <?php if (!empty($galleryArray) && $galleryArray['stats']['total_images'] > 0): ?> <ul id="galleryList" class="clearfix"> <?php foreach ($galleryArray['images'] as $image): ?> <li><a href="/blumenstein/index.php"><img src="<?php echo $image['thumb_path']; ?>"/></a></li> <?php endforeach; ?> </ul> <?php endif; ?> </div> and this should be the function: /** * Returns pre-formatted XHTML of a gallery * * @param string $directory Relative path to images directory * @param string $relText Text to use as the rel value * @return object Self * @access public */ public function createGallery($directory, $relText = 'colorbox') { // Get the gallery data array and set the template path $galleryArray = $this->readImageDirectory($directory); $templatePath = $this->_appDir . '/templates/defaultGallery.php'; // Set the relative text attribute $galleryArray['relText'] = $relText; // Echo the template contents echo $this->readTemplate($templatePath, $galleryArray); return $this; } /** * Returns an array of files and stats of the specified directory * * @param string $directory Relative path to images directory * @return array File listing and statistics for specified directory * @access public */ public function readImageDirectory($directory) { // Set relative image directory $this->setRelativeImageDirectory($directory); // Instantiate gallery array $galleryArray = array(); // Get the cached array $galleryArray = $this->_readIndex($this->_index); // If cached array is false, read the directory if (!$galleryArray) { // Get array of directory $dirArray = $this->_readDirectory($directory); // Loop through array and add additional info foreach ($dirArray as $key => $image) { // Get files relative path $relativePath = $this->_rImgDir . '/' . $key; $galleryArray['images'][htmlentities(pathinfo($image['real_path'], PATHINFO_BASENAME))] = array( 'file_title' => str_replace('_', ' ', pathinfo($image['real_path'], PATHINFO_FILENAME)), 'file_path' => htmlentities($relativePath), 'thumb_path' => $this->_createThumbnail($image['real_path']) ); } // Add statistics to gallery array $galleryArray['stats'] = $this->_readGalleryStats($this->_readDirectory($directory, false)); // Add gallery paginator to the gallery array $galleryArray['paginator'] = $this->_getPaginatorArray($galleryArray['stats']['current_page'], $galleryArray['stats']['total_pages']); // Save the sorted array if ($this->_config['cache_expire'] > 0) { $this->_createIndex($galleryArray, $this->_index); } } // Return the array return $galleryArray; } /** * Returns a template string with custom data injected into it * * @param string $templatePath Path to template file * @param array $data Array of data to be injected into the template * @return string Processed template string * @access private */ public function readTemplate($templatePath, $data) { // Extract array to variables extract($data); // Start the output buffer ob_start(); // Include the template include $templatePath; // Set buffer output to a variable $output = ob_get_clean(); // Return the output return $output; } i hope this will help you - thank you for your time !
  2. Hello I am new here, and so i am to php.. i have a small question - i think anyone here could help me, im sure :-) I have a php-gallery running locally on my desktop (using xampp), the gallery just shows images from a directory where a webcam saves its pictures in it (the gallery is named "ubergallery" - maybe anyone knows this gallery). Now i really would like to have following option: - A Button on the thumbnail called "delete" - when clicking on it, the picture should get replaced with another, predefined, placeholder-picture. I really hope somebody here can help me ! Thank you so much for your time ! I have attached the files! UberGallery.php index.php index.php
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