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  1. I need all of the information to go into the browser as well. I have it all set up to echo to the browser and it works perfectly, now I just need to send all of the different arrays in an e-mail message. How do I echo them to the browser and add them to my message? Also, I am wanting to add more than just meats, I have other variables similar to $aMeat that I want to add in the message, is that possible this way?
  2. For instance how would I put this into $message? <?php $aMeat = $_POST['tMeat']; if(empty($aMeat)) { echo("You didn't select any meats."); } else { $N = count($aMeat); echo("You ordered $N meat(s): "); for($i=0; $i < $N; $i++) { echo($aMeat[$i] . " - ").; } } ?>
  3. How do you loop through POST variables there?
  4. It's displaying the web page on top of itself and e-mailing me the number "1" for some reason.
  5. It did but I have separated the pages and made a confirm button at the bottom of "process.php" that will run "process2.php" which will e-mail the information from "process.php." However when I use $message = include 'process.php'; it doesn't put the web page in the e-mail. It just displays "process.php" on top of the "process2.php" page.
  6. If I need to tackle this a completely different way I definitely will, this is just the only way I have found to try to send a confirmation email with all of the data entered in the forms on the previous page.
  7. I tried to split the code like that and it didn't work. It just didn't post my second piece of code. Like I said, this is obviously not anywhere near all of the code. My code is just for an example for you guys to go off of. I understand how to send an e-mail with text and have done it successfully in this code. I can also send a separate page to an e-mail. But when I try to send the page that the code is within it doesn't send an e-mail at all. It just displays it at the bottom of the page infinitely. For instance if I use $message = "Test" it sends fine. When I use $message = include 'process.php'; it doesn't send a message. It just displays it infinitely on the web page. I want to somehow capture the data that process.php is displaying and send it to an email when process.php is ran from the other pages.
  8. Thank you. I was not aware, this is my first post. Here is a very small portion of one of the pages with forms and the process page the displays the values on /process.php. I want it to send everything that it displays to the email as well when the data is processed. <form action="process.php" method="post"> Number<input type="text" name="tPerson" value="0" maxlength="2" size="1"> <input type="hidden" name="Trad" value="Trad" /> <h4>Choose 2 </h4> <input type="checkbox" name="tMeat[]" value="Hamburgers" /> Hamburgers <?php echo($_POST['Trad']); ?> for <?php echo $_POST["tPerson"]; ?>.<h3> <h4>Selection:</h4> <p /> <?php $aMeat = $_POST['tMeat']; if(empty($aMeat)) { echo("You didn't select any meats."); } else { $N = count($aMeat); echo("You ordered $N meat(s): "); for($i=0; $i < $N; $i++) { echo($aMeat[$i] . " - "); } } ?> $email_to = "email@email.com"; $email_subject = "Order Confirmation"; $message = include 'process.php';
  9. I have a full working order form in PHP. I process it and display it with a process page called "process.php." Whenever this information is displayed on the web page "process.php" I also want it to send me an e-mail with all of the information that it just processed. i.e. Checked checkboxes, text entered, etc. Whenever I try to send the contents of "process.php" to an email $message = include 'process.php'; the process page just goes through an infinite loop displaying itself over and over again instead of sending itself in an email.
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