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  1. First, you MUST use Linux or vagrant - You will need a cool console to play with. After that, follow http://laravel.com/docs/4.2/quick#installation
  2. Any framework composer-compatible. Personally, I would choose Laravel, but this is just me.
  3. Router: route groups and named routes. I don't know if you need a book for this, just make modules and you will learn modular programming.
  4. template engine !== new language. You can learn in just two days how to use Twig or Blade.
  5. I use Blade template engine. I like {{$var}} more than <?=$var?> One example: @if(true) asdsdasd @endif is more readable than <?php if(true): ?> asdasda <?php endif; ?>
  6. Have you tried Laravel? Very easy to learn and cool people already there
  7. About 2 years. Before I used a framework I created my own framework(good learning experience). Every website need a router and frameworks have very powerful routers. laravel new my-simple-app
  8. Even if I need to do a "Hello world" app I choose to use a framework. Is best thing you can do.
  9. Laravel is best choice. Now, in laravel 4.3(official release in september) the app structure is a more "programming approach". You will be really happy to work with laravel.
  10. Hi! My name is Ionut Bajescu. <links removed> I love php, I work with Laravel framework, I'm an envato author(I'm the author of brutal backup tool). I'm happy to see so many programmers at the same place. Very proud to be here.
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