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  1. I'm supposed to solve the problem using divide and conquer. Thanks for the speedy reply I'll have to go figure that out.
  2. So I'm working on a divide and conquer function to find the largest value in an array but I don't seem to get any value returned, when I echo theres nothing. Any ideas? Thanks a bunch in advance. <?php $array_size = 9; $numbers = array(8, 6, 18, 14, 24, 30, 12, 26, 16); //print_r($numbers); function largest($x, $y) { if ($x > $y) { echo">y<br>"; return $x; } else { echo"!>y<br>"; return $y; } } function maxArray($array_size, $first, $last) { if ($array_size == 1) { echo"=1<br>"; return largest($numbers[$first], $numbers[$last]); } else if($array_size > 1) { echo">1<br>"; return largest(maxArray((int)($array_size/2), $first, (int)($first + $last)/2), maxArray((int)($array_size/2), (int)($first + $last)/2, $last)); } } $max_value = maxArray($array_size, 0, ($array_size - 1)); echo "The largest value in the array is: $max_value"; ?>
  3. Thanks a bunch, but it was actually working from the beginning, its just where I was trying to use it the if was incorrect and so I didnt think it was working even though it was. Thank you for your help!
  4. I am trying to sesssion an array, and then get some data from the array after some form data is submitted to another page, but when I try and get data from it, the array is blank. Is it even possible to session arrays, or am I doing something wrong in my code? [code] //From page 1 $_SESSION['h_class'] = $class_array; //From Page 2 $class_array = $_SESSION['h_class']; $h_class = $class_array["$num"]; [/code]
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