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  1. Finally fixed my own issue. I was missing header("Content-type: text/xml"); in my xml document so javascript didnt know what it was looking at.
  2. I have been trying to get this code running. Here is my code as it stands. The error I am getting is xmldoc has no properties.... My code: var XMLHttpRequestObject = false; if(window.XMLHttpRequest){ XMLHttpRequestObject = new XMLHttpRequest(); } else if(window.ActiveXObject){ XMLHttpRequestObject = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } function showData(xmldoc){ var docElement, usernameNode, usernameidNode, displayText; docElement = xmldoc.documentElement; usernameNode = docElement.firstChild; usernameidNode = usernameNode.nextSibling; displayText = usernameNode.firstChild.nodeValue + ' ' + usernameidNode.firstChild.nodeValue; var target = document.getElementById('usernameoutput'); target.innerHTML = displayText; } function getUsernames(){ var searchvalue = document.getElementById("uname").value; var datasource = "search_profiles_now.php?searchvalue=" + searchvalue; if(XMLHttpRequestObject){ document.getElementById('loadimage').style.display = "inline"; XMLHttpRequestObject.open("GET", datasource, true); XMLHttpRequestObject.onreadystatechange = function() { if(XMLHttpRequestObject.readyState == 4 && XMLHttpRequestObject.status == 200){ var xmldocument = XMLHttpRequestObject.responseXML; showData(xmldocument); document.getElementById('loadimage').style.display = "none"; } } XMLHttpRequestObject.send(null); } } I am running firefox and have fire bug. My javascript is getting my xml data back to the browser but im still getting xmldoc has no properties. Any ideas?!
  3. I figured out my problem incase anyone was wondering for learning experiance.. Dreamweaver was not updating my files remote. Thanks for the help everyone!
  4. Instead of: mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_NUM); Try: mysql_fetch_num($result);
  5. $query variable is your sql statement. $result = mysql_query($query); $arrayname = mysql_fetch_assoc($result) To pull from an array do: $arrayname['rowtitle']; There are three different types to "fetch" from your query. Assoc: Returns an associative array Num: Return enumerated array Both: Return Both
  6. Is there a PHP syntax error checker for dreamweaver? Maybe something to add to dreamweaver. I want dreamweaver to check my code and make sure my syntax is correct.
  7. User a variable in your sql statement: $sql = "SELECT ".$choice." FROM Member WHERE username = '$_SESSION[username]'"; make $choice = the users choice.
  8. Yea while posting I discovered that error... But I am still getting back the same error message, same line and everything...
  9. 215: echo $row['Cars_State']; 216: echo $row['Cars_Desc']; 217: } 218: 219: else if ($look_in == "Housing_Needs") 220: ( While posting that I discovered one error: I had a ( instead of a { after housing needs... But i am still getting the same error
  10. This code: [code]<html> <head> <title>Search Results!</title> <?php require_once('system_errors.php'); require_once('dbconnect.php'); ?> </head> <body> <h1>Search Results</h1> <?php $search_term = $_POST['search_term']; $lowend_price = $_POST['lowend_price']; $highend_price = $_POST['highend_price']; $city = $_POST['city']; $state = $_POST['state']; $look_in = $_POST['look_in']; $query = "select * from ".$look_in.""; if ($look_in == "General_Needs") {     $look_again = "General";     } else if ($look_in == "Cars_Needs") {     $look_again = "Cars";     } else if ($look_in == "Housing_Needs") {     $look_again = "Home";     } if ($look_in == "".$look_again."_Needs" && $search_term && $highend_price && $lowend_price && $city && $state) {     $query .= " where ".$look_again."_City like '%".$city."%' and ".$look_again."_State = '".$state."' and ".$look_again."_Price >= '".$lowend_price."' and ".$look_again."_Price     <= '".$highend_price."' and ".$look_again."_Title like '%".$search_term."%'"; } else if ($look_in == "".$look_again."_Needs" && $search_term && !$lowend_price && !$highend_price && !$city && !$state) {     $query .= " where ".$look_again."_Title like '%".$search_term."%'"; } else if ($look_in == "".$look_again."_Needs" && $search_term && $lowend_price && !$highend_price && !$city && !$state) {     $query .= " where ".$look_again."_Title like '%".$search_term."%' and ".$look_again."_Price = '".$lowend_price."'";     } else if ($look_in == "".$look_again."_Needs" && $search_term && $lowend_price && $highend_price && !$city && !$state) {     $query .= " where ".$look_again."_Price >= '".$lowend_price."' and ".$look_again."_Price <= '".$highend_price."' and     ".$look_again."_Title like '%".$search_term."%'";     } else if ($look_in == "".$look_again."_Needs" && $search_term && $lowend_price && $highend_price && $city && !$state) {     $query .= " where ".$look_again."_City like '%".$city."%' and ".$look_again."_Title like '%".$search_term."%' and ".$look_again."_Price >= '".$lowend_price."' and ".$look_again."_Price <= '".$highend_price."'";     }          else if ($look_in == "".$look_again."_Needs" && !$search_term && $lowend_price && !$highend_price && !$city && !$state) {     $query .= "where ".$look_again."_Price = '".$lowend_price."'";     }      else if ($look_in == "".$look_again."_Needs" && !$search_term && $lowend_price && $highend_price && !$city && !$state) {         $query .= " where ".$look_again."_Price >= '".$lowend_price."' and ".$look_again."_Price <= '".$highend_price."'"; } else if ($look_in == "".$look_again."_Needs" && !$search_term && $lowend_price && $highend_price && $city && !$state) {         $query .= " where ".$look_again."_Price >= '".$lowend_price."' and ".$look_again."_Price <= '".$highend_price."' and ".$look_again."_City like '%".$city."%'";         }                   else if ($look_in == "".$look_again."_Needs" && !$search_term && $lowend_price && $highend_price && $city && $state) {         $query .= " where ".$look_again."_Price >= '".$lowend_price."' and ".$look_again."_Price <= '".$highend_price."' and ".$look_again."_City like '%".$city."%' and ".$look_again."_State = '".$state."'";         }      else if ($look_in == "".$look_again."_Needs" && !$search_term && !$lowend_price && $highend_price && !$city && !$state) {     $query .= " where ".$look_again."_Price = '".$highend_price."'"; } else if ($look_in == "".$look_again."_Needs" && $search_term && !$lowend_price && $highend_price && !$city && !$state) {         $query .= " where ".$look_again."_Title like '%".$search_term."%' and ".$look_again."_Price = '".$highend_price."'"; } else if ($look_in == "".$look_again."_Needs" && $search_term && $lowend_price && $highend_price && !$city && !$state) {         $query .= " where ".$look_again."_Title like '%".$search_term."%' and ".$look_again."_Price <= '".$highend_price."' and ".$look_again."_Price >= '".$lowend_price."'"; } else if ($look_in == "".$look_again."_Needs" && $search_term && $lowend_price && $highend_price && $city && !$state) {         $query .= " where ".$look_again."_Title like '%".$search_term."%' and ".$look_again."_Price <= '".$highend_price."' and ".$look_again."_Price >= '".$lowend_price."' and ".$look_again."_City like '%".$city."%'"; } else if ($look_in == "".$look_again."_Needs" && !$search_term && !$lowend_price && !$highend_price && $city && !$state) {         $query .= " where ".$look_again."_City like '%".$city."%'"; } else if ($look_in == "".$look_again."_Needs" && $search_term && !$lowend_price && !$highend_price && $city && !$state) {         $query .= " where ".$look_again."_Title like '%".$search_term."%' and ".$look_again."_City like '%".$city."%'"; } else if ($look_in == "".$look_again."_Needs" && $search_term && $lowend_price && !$highend_price && $city && !$state) {         $query .= " where ".$look_again."_Title like '%".$search_term."%' and ".$look_again."_Price = '".$lowend_price."' and ".$look_again."_City like '%".$city."%'"; } else if ($look_in == "".$look_again."_Needs" && $search_term && $highend_price && $lowend_price && $city && !$state) {     $query .= " where ".$look_again."_City like '%".$city."%' and ".$look_again."_Price >= '".$lowend_price."' and ".$look_again."_Price     <= '".$highend_price."' and ".$look_again."_Title like '%".$search_term."%'"; } else if ($look_in == "".$look_again."_Needs" && !$search_term && !$highend_price && !$lowend_price && !$city && $state) {     $query .= " where ".$look_again."_State = '".$state."'"; } else if ($look_in == "".$look_again."_Needs" && $search_term && !$highend_price && !$lowend_price && !$city && $state) {     $query .= " where ".$look_again."_State = '".$state."' and ".$look_again."_Title like '%".$search_term."%'"; } else if ($look_in == "".$look_again."_Needs" && $search_term && $highend_price && !$lowend_price && !$city && $state) {     $query .= " where ".$look_again."_State = '".$state."' and ".$look_again."_Price     = '".$highend_price."' and ".$look_again."_Title like '%".$search_term."%'"; } else if ($look_in == "".$look_again."_Needs" && $search_term && $highend_price && $lowend_price && !$city && $state) {     $query .= " where ".$look_again."_State = '".$state."' and ".$look_again."_Price >= '".$lowend_price."' and ".$look_again."_Price     <= '".$highend_price."' and ".$look_again."_Title like '%".$search_term."%'"; } else if ($look_in == "".$look_again."_Needs" && !$search_term && !$highend_price && !$lowend_price && $city && $state) {     $query .= " where ".$look_again."_City like '%".$city."%' and ".$look_again."_State = '".$state."'"; } else if ($look_in == "".$look_again."_Needs" && !$search_term && $highend_price && $lowend_price && !$city && $state) {     $query .= " where ".$look_again."_State = '".$state."' and ".$look_again."_Price >= '".$lowend_price."' and ".$look_again."_Price     <= '".$highend_price."'"; } else if ($look_in == "".$look_again."_Needs" && !$search_term && !$highend_price && !$lowend_price && !$city && !$state) {     $query = "Select * from ".$look_in.""; } else if ($look_in == "".$look_again."_Needs" && !$search_term && $highend_price && !$lowend_price && !$city && $state) {     $query .= " where ".$look_again."_State = '".$state."' and ".$look_again."_Price     <= '".$highend_price."'"; } else if ($look_in == "".$look_again."_Needs" && !$search_term && !$highend_price && $lowend_price && !$city && $state) {     $query .= " where ".$look_again."_State = '".$state."' and ".$look_again."_Price >= '".$lowend_price."'"; } else if ($look_in == "".$look_again."_Needs" && $search_term && $highend_price && !$lowend_price && $city && $state) {     $query .= " where ".$look_again."_City like '%".$city."%' and ".$look_again."_State = '".$state."' and ".$look_again."_Price     <= '".$highend_price."' and ".$look_again."_Title like '%".$search_term."%'"; } else if ($look_in == "".$look_again."_Needs" && $search_term && !$highend_price && $lowend_price && $city && $state) {     $query .= " where ".$look_again."_City like '%".$city."%' and ".$look_again."_State = '".$state."' and ".$look_again."_Price >= '".$lowend_price."' and ".$look_again."_Title like '%".$search_term."%'"; } else if ($look_in == "".$look_again."_Needs" && $search_term && !$highend_price && !$lowend_price && $city && $state) {     $query .= " where ".$look_again."_City like '%".$city."%' and ".$look_again."_State = '".$state."' and ".$look_again."_Title like '%".$search_term."%'"; } $result = mysql_query($query) or die(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {     if ($look_in == "General_Needs")     {     echo $row['General_Title'];     echo $row['General_City'];     echo $row['General_State'];     echo $row['General_Price'];     echo $row['General_Desc'];         }     else if ($look_in == "Cars_Needs")     {     echo $row['Cars_Title'];     echo $row['Cars_Make'];     echo $row['Cars_Year'];     echo $row['Cars_Color'];     echo $row['Cars_Price'];     echo $row['Cars_City'];     echo $row['Cars_State'];     echo $row['Cars_Desc'];         }     else if ($look_in == "Housing_Needs")     (     echo $row['Home_Title'];     echo $row['Home_Beds'];     echo $row['Home_Pets'];     echo $row['Home_Own_Rent'];     echo $row['Home_Price'];     echo $row['Home_City'];     echo $row['Home_State'];     echo $row['Home_Desc'];         } } ?> </body> </html>[/code] is giving me this error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ECHO in /home/u2/kabbash615/html/ineedblank/Search_Results.php on line 219 Why? I have done some research on the error and everyone says its a missing ; or a tag I opened and didnt end but I cannot find it... Please help!
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