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  1. In the doc of PEAR :: DB, there is the following example: Connect to database through a socket: mysql://user:pass@unix(/path/to/socket)/pear So basically, in your case you would have: mysql://$dbuser:$dbpass@tcp(/path/to/socket:port):/$dbname" Hope this helps. JP.
  2. For different MySQL data types, use inputs phpMyAdmin is using, this can help: (ref: http://www.phpmyadmin.net). For example: varchar, int, char, float: use input of type text (or password). enum: use select or radio buttons (one choice only) set: use select with attribute multiple="multiple" and a size="x" where x is min(number of items, 7) (note: 7 is a magic number for interfaces displaying item listings) or checkboxes (multiple choices) text: use textarea For your situation, since you only have 3 choices, I would use checkboxes. They all have the same name (name=\"Type[]\") only their value are different. To insert their values into MySQL, simply use implode() method: // let\'s say values are in $_POST[\'Type\']: $sql = "INSERT INTO table SET Type = \'".implode(",", $_POST[\'Type\'])."\'"; JP.
  3. It doesn\'t have anything to do with PHP.. it only describes the rules about the way data is recorded into your database. A primary key is a set of fields (1 or more) than has a restriction: there is no possibility of having two rows with the same values into it (or at least in the fields contained in the Primary key). For example, if you have 4 pets in your table: [petName], [petColor] Bob, brown Polo, white Rex, Black Roxy, Blue (?!?) this will be legal because there are no pets with twice the same name and the same color at the time. The following would be legal too, even if you have Bob twice: Bob, brown Polo, white Bob, yellow Rex, Black The following would be illegal because \"Bob, brown\"would be find twice, which is incorrect (the set petName and petColor is the same...): Bob, brown Polo, white Bob, brown Rex, Black What this all means? If you try to execute an SQL query to insert a pet that is already in your table, then the query will fail to execute. In PHP term, you have the following: // your SQL query: $sql = "INSERT into Blah (\'bob\',\'brown\',\'some other params\')"; // execution of the query $result = mysql_query($sql); // if an error occured if (!$result) { // we display the error returned by the MySQL server echo "An error occured: ".mysql_error()."<br />n"; } Hope this will help. JP.
  4. Why don\'t you try it? I would suggest you to put your backups elsewhere... and by elsewhere, I mean somewhere else, physically... JP.
  5. If you use PEAR, you can use two queries and harvest the ids in a single array: $ITEMS = array(); $sql = "SELECT ITEM FROM <first_table> WHERE ..."; $ITEMS += $db->getCol($sql); $sql = "SELECT ITEM FROM <second_table> WHERE ..."; $ITEMS += $db->getCol($sql); $ITEMS = array_unique($ITEMS); You have an array with unique IDs from both tables. JP.
  6. Which version of PHP? I don\'t remember from which version PHP started to support MySQL but you may need to load the MySQL extension and/or to recompile PHP to support MySQL. JP.
  7. When dealing with users table in MySQL, you need to restart the MySQL server to make changes effective. In PHPMyAdmin, when you deal with users (from version 2.4.0 I think) the service is automatically restarted (tell me if I\'m wrong). I remember creating new users in MySQL in an older version of PHPMyAdmin and I had to restart the server each time I wanted the newly created user to be active. You can restart MySQL with PHPMyAdmin on the home page (Restart MySQL). This should work. Also, if you set the users in your db but didn\'t restarted MySQL and your server crashed, this explains why you should really restart MySQL when you do modifications on users. JP.
  8. Use persistent connections. If you use MySQL, instead of connecting to the MySQL server with mysql_connect(), use mysql_pconnect(). This might help. JP.
  9. The solution would be to have several servers... Apache won\'t work faster because you run several instance of it. Ta machine est bonne... mais je pense que plus tu as de serveurs, plus tu as la possibilité de partager les connexions sur les différents sites! Et tu évite les pannes générales! Un seul serveur c\'est aussi compliqué pour faire des backups, ce qui est TRÈS important quand tu es un host. Au plaisir! JP.
  10. What you did may be safe, but you could do something like this: <input type="text" name="var1[]"> <input type="text" name="var2[]"> <input type="text" name="var3[]"> <input type="text" name="var1[]"> <input type="text" name="var2[]"> <input type="text" name="var3[]"> <input type="text" name="var1[]"> <input type="text" name="var2[]"> <input type="text" name="var3[]"> And then after that: foreach($_POST[\'var1\'] AS $id => $value) { $var1 = $_POST[\'var1\'][$id]; $var2 = $_POST[\'var2\'][$id]; $var3 = $_POST[\'var3\'][$id]; // build your SQL with $var1, $var2, $var3! } Hope this helps! JP.
  11. JUst remember I already encountered something like this... it says parse error on line one... is the line one containing something like <?xml ? If it is, PHP is trying to parse XML content... because of the short tag <? may be accepted by your php.ini configuration. To solve that, you may try to output the first line with PHP itself: <?php echo \'<?xml ... ?>\'; ?> If this works, then this is not necessary to submit part of your code. JP.
  12. It says parse error on line 1... Line 1 (and several more) could be useful. JP.
  13. according to your query, it will select everything from test that has a specific id and not older than a certain number of days OR everything in category #9 (no matter how old its content is). Is this what you want? You should try this; it will ensure all content is not older than a certain number of days, but might be coming from a specific category or from category #9: $query = "SELECT * FROM test WHERE (TO_DAYS(NOW()) - TO_DAYS (timestamp)) < days_valid AND (category_id=\'$category[id]\' or category_id=\'9\') ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT $pager->offset,$pager->limit"; // notice the use of ( and ) for the OR operator... Use need to know how to use logical operators... This might help: http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/ja...ts/bitwise.html JP.
  14. Is the access granted elsewhere than from localhost for this user? Use your IP for this field or simply % to allow connections from everywhere for this user. JP.
  15. Can we get a sample of you code? It would help to solve your problem. JP.
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