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  1. I'm editing the pn_bbcode module in postnuke, but I'm pretty new to PHP. I've got a small problem that's driving me nuts. I have a string variable set to contain a series of html tags. The first part of this is a table tag. For some reason when the function is called the "<" and ">" in the first tag in the string only is replaced with it's [code]&lt;[/code] and [code]&gt;[/code] respectively. I can't figure out why this is. Here's the entire function. I used another function in the script as a starting point, but it seems, to me anyway, that I edited everything properly. [code]/** * Paul Romer - May 19, 2006 * Perfroms [hide][/hide] bbencoding on the given string, and returns the results. * code samples ussed from the pn_bbcode_encode_quote function by Nathing Codding */ function pn_bbcode_encode_hide($message) {     // If there aren't any "[hide=" or "[hide]" strings in the message, we don't need to process     if (!strpos(strtolower($message), "[hide=") && !strpos(strtolower($message), "[hide]")) {         return $message;     }          add_stylesheet_header();          $stack = Array();     $curr_pos = 1;     while ($curr_pos && ($curr_pos < strlen($message))) {         $curr_pos = strpos($message, "[", $curr_pos);         // If not found, $curr_pos will be 0, and the loop will end.         if ($curr_pos) {             // We found a [. It starts at $curr_pos.             // check if it's a starting or ending hide tag.             $possible_start = substr($message, $curr_pos, 5);             $possible_end_pos = strpos($message, "]", $curr_pos);             $possible_end = substr($message, $curr_pos, $possible_end_pos - $curr_pos + 1);             if (strcasecmp("[hide", $possible_start) == 0)             {                 // We have a starting hide tag.                 // Push its position on to the stack, and then keep going to the right.                 array_push($stack, $curr_pos);                 ++$curr_pos;             } else if (strcasecmp("[/hide]", $possible_end) == 0) {                 // We have an ending quote tag.                 // Check if we've already found a matching starting tag.                 if (sizeof($stack) > 0) {                     // There exists a starting tag.                     // We need to do 2 replacements now.                     $start_index = array_pop($stack);                     // everything before the [hide=xxx] tag.                     $before_start_tag = substr($message, 0, $start_index);                     // find the end of the start tag                     $start_tag_end = strpos($message, "]", $start_index);                     $start_tag_len = $start_tag_end - $start_index + 1;                     if($start_tag_len > 6) {                         $title = substr($message, $start_index + 6, $start_tag_len - 7);                     } else {                         $title = "";                     }                     // everything after the [hide=xxx] tag, but before the [/hide] tag.                     $between_tags = substr($message, $start_index + $start_tag_len, $curr_pos - ($start_index + $start_tag_len));                     // everything after the [/hide] tag.                     $after_end_tag = substr($message, $curr_pos + 7);                     $hidetext = '<table width=500 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0 class="hidetable"><tr><td><div class="hideheader">' . $title . '</div><p><div class="hidetextvis">' . $between_tags . '</div></td></tr></table>';                     $message = $before_start_tag . $hidetext . $after_end_tag;                     // Now.. we've screwed up the indices by changing the length of the string.                     // So, if there's anything in the stack, we want to resume searching just after it.                     // otherwise, we go back to the start.                     if (sizeof($stack) > 0) {                         $curr_pos = array_pop($stack);                         array_push($stack, $curr_pos);                         ++$curr_pos;                     } else {                         $curr_pos = 1;                     }                 } else {                     // No matching start tag found. Increment pos, keep going.                     ++$curr_pos;                 }             } else {                 // No starting tag or ending tag.. Increment pos, keep looping.,                 ++$curr_pos;             }         }     } // while     return $message; }[/code]
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