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About FuG5333

  • Birthday 08/07/1979

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  • Gender
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  • Location
    Greenville, SC

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Newbie (1/5)



  1. Here's what I have so far.  The error is something about "T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE". [code]<?php $todaysdate = ".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?date=".mktime(0,0,0,$month -1,$d,$year).";   if(strtotime("l",$datestamp) == "Tuesday"){     echo "$todaysdate";   } ?>[/code] My goal is to get only Tuesdays to show up with a signup link.  This is the first step.  If I can figure how to put something in only Tuesdays, then I get put a link later.  The problem is, I'm trying to eventually save each signup as a 20060610 type of date so the signups can be linked to that date only.  Making sense?
  2. Well, so far I've made a calendar and it looks and functions the way I need it to.  The issue is, how do I do something like:  "If it's tuesday, put a link to signup.  But only on Tuesdays."?
  3. I have a signup list. Everything works except I want to be able to only allow people to signup once. If not then display a messge saying so. Here's what I have so far: [code]function addname1()     {     $first_name = $_SESSION['first_name'];     $username = $_SESSION['username'];     connect();     if (mysql_query(SELECT * FROM calendar WHERE $username = $_SESSION['username'])) { echo "You're already signed up!; exit(); }     $sql = "INSERT INTO calendar (first_name, username, caldate)                         VALUES('$first_name', '$username', now())";     $query = mysql_query($sql);     if ( !$query )         {         echo "didn't work...";         exit();         }     echo "$first_name added for day";     }[/code] I can signup but just want to limit the times you can signup to one time. Ideas?
  4. Right. It pulls those from a database. Everything works. What happens now is I put a "<br>" after the list and it just lists them like: Bob John Pete What I need to do is list like: Bob, John, Pete
  5. Sorry for the newbie question. :) Having trouble fiting that in. Makes perfect sense, just don't know enough to incorporate it. Here's what I have: [code]connect(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM calendar"; $query = mysql_query($sql); while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array($query) )     {     ?> <font="arial" size="2" color="#666666"><?php echo $row['first_name']?></font> <br> <?php } ?>[/code]
  6. I can tell PHP to check an entry and then add a ',' after each name. I have two links to add and delete you from the signup list. They work. What I want is the last ',' deleted so they display correctly. Here's an example: Just one name: "Bob" Two of more names: "Bob, John, Pete" Just need the last name to not show a comma... I've seen this before but can't google it since I can associate this with a term. :)
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